I'm a passionate Junior Data Scientist / Engineer who loves software engineering. My interests range from web development to data science.
Destiny 2 Guessr: A web application dedicated to the universe and equipment of the Destiny 2 game, developed by Bungie. This project combines my passion for gaming with my skills in web development and data analysis.
Secret Projects: ?????
I'm constantly learning and seeking new challenges. Here are a few things I'm currently focusing on:
- Advanced Machine Learning Techniques
- Cloud Computing and Big Data Technologies
- Full-Stack Web Development
A study of the impact of a Randomized ReLU function on the performance of a neural network model.
A web application for object detection on images with Angular, PyTorch and Flask.
- Email: y.mont@orange.fr
- LinkedIn: Yoann MONTEIRO
Feel free to explore my repositories and connect with me on my social platforms!