This project based on java, java swing and socket-programming. Since this project based on java so before running this file , system must have JDK 14+. This project requires some third party libraries, but required one are mysql and jaco. Download mysql-connector-java jar and jaco-mp3-player jar files. These two are must to properly run this project. This project uses remote database which is in my system, so follow following steps to run this project correctly.
Steps to run this project:
- Email me with subject title "MultiUserChatApp:Server_ip". I will provide server ip asap.
- Before running this project please modify server ip in /src/ file , both in CONNECTION_URl and SERVER_IP.
- Make sure you internet connection.
- Then first either you can run server.class on your system or you can email regarding this.
- Then you will have run userscreen.class file . And there you are now all set to explore all features of this project. Register yourself , login and then you will be ready to chat with others.