An Ecommerce Flutter project, +20 pages with 3 animated OnBorading screens, Full Authentication work flow with google singIn, an Explore Page with animated banners and Product Listing, Product Details, Product Reviews, etc...
📝 | The ScreenShots Below have light Mode i choose not to include for obvoius resons to keep the redme readable |
- OnBorading
- Authentication
- Store
- native Splash Screen (no-dependency)
- Animated OnBoarding Screen (no-dependency)
- Login Screen & SignUp Screen UI
- Full authentication feature with clean architecture (firebase)
- Ability route users to splash, login, or home screen in the app launch
- Home Screen
- Store Screen
- profile Screen
- [-] Settings Screen
- ability to checkout with payment gateway
- BLOC state management with getIt dependency injection
- Good and robust Routing system
- theming configured with (dark & light)
This is a very beta version and highly customized to follow best practices as much as possible and will go through a lot of changes, refactors, and updates.