Dancer2::Plugin::Cart - ECommerce Cart Plugin for Dancer2
Version 1.0001
This plugin provides a easy way to manage a shopping cart in Dancer2. All the information and data structure of the plugin will be managed by the session, so a good idea is to use a plugin in order to store the session data in the database.
It was designed to be used on new or existing database, providing a lot of hooks in order to fit customizable solutions.
By default, the plugin is going to search default templates on the views directory; if the view doesn't exists, the plugin will render and inline templates provided by the plugin.
An script file has been added in order to generate the template views of each stage of a checkout, and the user will be able to adapt it to their needs.
The script is create_cart_views
and needs to be run on the root
directory of the Dancer2 app. The default views assume that you are
using "Template Toolkit" as the template engine.
In order to use the plugin, you need to configure at least some products.
plugins: Cart: product_list: - ec_sku: 'SU01' ec_price: 15 - ec_sku: 'SU02' ec_price: 20
Install the module with cpanminus:
cpanm Dancer2::Plugin::Cart
Use the library
In your add:
use Dancer2::Plugin::Cart;
* products_view_template
* Define a template to use to show the products
* cart_view_template
* Define a template to use to show cart info
* cart_receipt_template
* Define a template to use to show receipts
* shipping_view_template
* Define a template to use to show shipping form
* billing_view_template
* Define a template to use to show billing form
* review_view_template
* Define a template to use to show review page
* receipt_view_template
* Define a template to use to show receipt page
* default_routes
* default 1, to exclude all routes, set to 0
* excluded_routes
* Array defining the routes to be excluded.
* get /products
List of products
* get /cart
Cart info
* post /cart/add
To add a product to the cart
* get /cart/clear
To reset the cart
* get /cart/shipping
To show shipping form
* post /cart/shipping
To store data on session variable
* get /cart/billing
To show billing form
* post /cart/billing
To store data on session variable
* get /cart/review
To show a summary of the cart
* post /cart/checkout
To place orders
* get /cart/receipt
To show the results of placing an order
* products
* Returns products defined on the structure session('ec_cart')->{products}
* cart
* Returns the cart structure.
* Refers: session('ec_cart')->{cart}
* Use: subtotal, quantity, and total keywords
* Hooks: before_cart, after_cart
* cart_add
* Process cart_add form and check errors on session('ec_cart')->{add}->{error}
* Delete session('ec_cart')->{add} after success.
* Hooks: validate_cart_add_params, before_cart_add, after_cart_add
* cart_add_item
* Check if the product exists, and add/sub the quantity.
* Calculate ec_subtotal
* Return product added.
* clear_cart
Delete ec_cart session variable
* Hooks: before_clear_cart, after_clear_cart
* subtotal
* Calculate subtotal of the cart
* Hooks: before_subtotal, after_subtotal
* quantity
* Calculate total items on the cart
* Hooks: before_quantity, after_quantity
* shipping
* Process shipping form and check errors on session('ec_cart')->{shipping}->{form}
* Hooks: validate_shipping_params, before_shipping, after_shipping
* billing
* Process billing form and check errors on session('ec_cart')->{billing}->{form}
* Hooks: validate_billing_params, before_billing, after_billing
* checkout
* Hooks: validate_checkout_params, checkout
* close_cart
* Set status 1 to session('ec_cart')->{cart}->{status}
* Hooks: before_close_cart, after_close_cart
* adjustments
* Set default adjustments
* Hooks: adjustments
* before_cart
* after_cart
* validate_cart_add_params
* before_cart_add
* after_cart_add
* before_cart_add_item
* after_cart_add_item
* validate_shipping_params
* before_shipping
* after_shipping
* validate_billing_params
* before_billing
* after_billing
* validate_checkout_params
* before_checkout
* checkout
* after_checkout
* before_close_cart
* after_close_cart
* before_clear_cart
* after_clear_cart
* before_subtotal
* after_subtotal
* before_quantity
* after_quantity
* adjustments
ec_cart => {
products => [
ec_sku => 'SU01',
ec_price => 10
cart => {
items => [
ec_sku => 'SU01',
ec_price => 10,
ec_quantity => 1.
ec_subtotal => 10
adjustments => [
value => 0,
description => 'Discounts'
description => 'Shipping',
value => 0
description => 'Taxes',
value => 0
subtotal => 10,
total => 10,
quantity => 1,
shipping => {
form => {
email => ''
billing => {
form => {
email => ''
Please use GitHub issue tracker here.
YourSole Core Developers
Andrew Baerg
Ruben Amortegui
Josh Lavin
This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Ruben Amortegui.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.