A simple set of python scripts and libraries to work with movies. I use it with my DreamBox.
- Homepage: http://ytvwld.github.io/movies2hdd (It is empty.)
- Documentation of the API: http://ytvwld.github.io/movies2hdd/docs/html/ (generated using doxygen)
Why should I use it?
- It is written entirely in Python.
- It supports both 2.7 and 3 at the same time. (!)
- It is a class.
- It is not finished.
How do I install it?
Just simply type make install
You can run it via movies2hdd
I'll try to provide a debian package for the next release.
- a line-based interface
- a GUI
- a simple movie converter (.ts to .mpg, will delete additional audio tracks!)
a library
- connects to a DreamBox via FTP
- searches for movies
- downloads movies
- filters meta data
- queries thetvdb.com
- converts the movies