Make sure MySQL is installed. You may refer to this documentation on how to install MySQL locally. The MySQL version used to develop this app is 8.0.36
Create the article database using the following command
mysql -u <USER> -p -e 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS article;'
I used golang-migrate as the migration tool. You may follow this documentation on how to install it.
After installation, run the migration file(s) using the following command
migrate -path ./database/migrations -database "mysql://<USER>:<PASSWORD>@tcp(<host>:<port>)/article" -verbose up
This should create a table with the following schema
Table posts {
id integer [pk, increment]
title varchar(200)
content text [not null]
category varchar(100) [not null]
created_at timestamp
updated_at timestamp
status enum('Publish', 'Draft', 'Trash') [not null, default: 'Draft']
However, if you prefer to run the sql query manually, you may use the ./database/migrations/000001_init_mg.up.sql
I used Air for hot reloading during development. If it is not yet installed locally, you may do the following command to install it
go install
Make sure .env
file exists. You may follow the format in .env.example
Simply run the following command to run a development server
The Postman collection for this service is available here