This repository contains the source code used in Spatio-Temporal Super-Resolution Data Assimilation (SRDA) Utilizing Deep Neural Networks with Domain Generalization Technique Toward Four-Dimensional SRDA (arXiv, james).
- Basically, the Singularity containers were used for experiments.
- At least, 1 GPU board is required.
- Notes
- The Docker containers have the same environments as in the Singularity containers.
means the super-computer at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (webpage).- Singularity containers can be used on TSUBAME.
- Install Docker.
- Build docker containers:
$ docker compose build
- Start docker containers:
$ docker compose up -d
- Install Singularity.
- Build Singularity containers:
$ singularity build -f pytorch_local.sif ./singularity/pytorch/pytorch.def
$ singularity build -f pytorch_tsubame.sif ./singularity/pytorch_tsubame/pytorch_tsubame.def
is for the super-computer, TSUBAME, at Tokyo Institute of Technology (webpage)
- Start singularity containers:
- The following command is for local environments
$ singularity exec --nv --env PYTHONPATH="$(pwd)/pytorch" \
pytorch_local.sif jupyter lab \
--no-browser --ip= --allow-root --LabApp.token='' --port=8888
- The Singularity container (on a local environment),
, is used in the following experiments.- We confirmed the following code works on an NVIDIA A100 40GB PCIe.
- Note
- On TSUBAME, the same code was run using
. - In deep learning, distributed data parallel (DDP) was used (
) on TSUBAME, where four GPUs of TESLA P100 were used.
- On TSUBAME, the same code was run using
- In each script, a number of simulations must be specified.
- Run the following scripts:
- Run the following notebook on JupyterLab:
- In each script, a configuration must be specified.
(for multiple GPUs)./pytorch/script/shell/
(for a single GPU)
- Run the notebooks in the following order.
author = {Yasuda, Yuki and Onishi, Ryo},
title = {Spatio-Temporal Super-Resolution Data Assimilation (SRDA) Utilizing Deep Neural Networks With Domain Generalization},
journal = {Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems},
volume = {15},
number = {11},
pages = {e2023MS003658},
doi = {},
url = {},
eprint = {},
year = {2023}