CMake and Make (>=3.7)
Just run the shell script in the root directory
sh prereqs.sh
Make sure to create a branch when developing:
git checkout -b @name/feature
Then make a pull request when you want to merge to main dev.
1. Make the build directory
mkdir build
cd build
2. Run cmake and make:
cmake ..
3. Run the app:
#include "./util/request.hpp"
web::http::http_response response = utility::request("GET", "http://url.com").get();
web::json::value value = response.extract_json().get();
#include "./util/websocket.hpp"
web::websockets::client::websocket_callback_client wss = utility::websocket("wss://url.com).get();
wss.set_message_handler([=](web::websockets::client::websocket_incoming_message message) {
std::string messageStr = message.extract_string().get();