Hack SRM 4.0 - 24hrs Hackathon
Our Project is Based on Cloud Computing which enables users to control their Local PC or server from Mobiles or other PC through a clean Dashboard
Problem's it can solve:
- It allows the users to mainpulate different programs and services from a single Web Dashboard.
- It allows users to connect and communicate with the server from distant location without needing to interact physically.
- Allows users to send and view console logs, server usages from the web dashboard.
- It is safe and secure as it can only be accessed and managed by the Admin.
- It is cost efficient as it can be deployed even in old computers and servers.
Challenges we ran into:
- First of all we got a minor challenge while working on the backend python code which took most of our time figuring out the problem.
- Second of all we had slight issues with the networking and other protocols.
Hosting on Replit?:
- It can be hosted even on Replit to mange programs inside the replit
- Users can run FrixCloud Program in Replit and can manage multiple programs in that single Replit.
- So that users will not waste the Replit's resource by creating multiple Replit repo's
First Git clone this Repo
Backend Server
- change directory to
cd frix_cloud_server
- Install all the required packages by
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start the Backend Server with the command
python main.py
and the Websocket Server will be started
Frontend NextJS
- Install the Packages by running
npm i
- Build the Frontend with
npm run build
- Run the Frontend with
npm start