Wait time analyzer for Howlin' Rays
Currently a WIP
First, you will to authenticate with 3rd party APIs. This project requires a secret key from the DarkSky API and OAuth 1.0 information for the Twitter API. For Twitter, you will only need minimal read-only privelages. Next, follow the SecretTemplate.py to populate HowlinWaits/Config/Secret.py
You can run HowlinWaits with GPU training in Docker or with CPU training natively.
cd HowlinWaits
pip3 install .
If Tensorflow 2.1 is not found, check that you are running Python 3.6.x 64 bit and that your pip is up to date. To run using Tensorflow CPU just enter:
python3 WaitAnalayzer.py
Install Docker and Nvidia-Docker.
Run the following in the project's root directory to build the docker image:
docker build -t howlin .
To run, simply execute ./run.sh
- Fetch tweets
- Parse wait times from tweets
- Insert data into sqlite3 DB
- Determine analysis method
- Implement analysis method
- Create website displaying best times