Calm down, it's only 2972 lines of "Best" Python Code.. 👽
But seriously, this is one of my first more or less large projects, created a long time ago, at the beginning of my journey (I think it was at the end of 2017).
2 more years after the creation of this application, I used it every day, so the database has accumulated 3.5 mb of selected shit various notes.
Just today I decided to shed some light on this!
It's a python (MY SWEET CANDY AND TERRIBLE DREAM), so there shouldn't be any problems with the installation.
$ git clone
$ python -V
Python 3.10.2
$ pip -V
pip 21.0 from /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pip (python 3.10)
$ cd hgiger/src/
$ pip install -r .deps
Since I am generous, I am ready to share my notes with you.
Yes, yes, I loaded my database in this repo.
Enjoy! xD
$ python main.pyw
This app has 5 levels.
Below are screenshots so as not to rant.
To quickly find a particular note, you can use the tag finder.
To call it, press the key combination Ctrl + F
(only works when you are in a cell).
This is the funniest part..
For you to understand, I made a telegram bot located in hgiger itself for backup.
It starts only when we make a backup, and immediately closes.
All he does is upload the file to telegram at the specified chat_id.
P.S. that's why I like to clean up my old crafts, lol)
First, go to the clone menu with the key combination Ctrl + M
As you can see, I apparently planned to make alternative ways to clone the database, since I left so much space and even created a whole menu 🐸
Well, let's choose the first one.
Now we click on the button with a strange icon, confirm our desire to make a clone of the database and wait for confirmation.
Magic 🙉
Obviously, if you also want to make yourself such a fucking good backup method, just create a telegram bot and write the token to the modules/hgigerbot/config.json
file. In addition to the token, you will need to find out your chat_id and also write it to the config.
We have hgiger (a full-featured graphical application), and hggr (a small console utility for finding and copying notes).
Since some of my notes were literally code files, sometimes I wanted to copy them quickly.
I was wildly too lazy to open hgiger, which was so slow, so I created it - hggr.
Here is a simple (x1) usage example:
$ python
hgiger <tag>
hgiger <tag1> <tag2> ... <tagN>
$ python sort buble
loading: [......................................] |38|
[0]. [algorithms > "Buble Sorting"] {pages=1}
[1]. [tools > "Sorted Dictionary"] {pages=1}
index: 0
[info]: file "" successfully created :]
It's simple (x2) - we enter tags, get a list of matches and select the index of the note we are interested in.
The principle of copying notes is just as simple (x3): one page = one file.