Pixel-printer is a utility for turning pixel art into 3d prints.
Make sure that you've installed
Stack or
Cabal. Ensure you have a semi-recent version
of stack (version 2.5 or higher) or cabal (version 3.0 or higher.) After that,
you can install using the commands stack install --resolver lts-16.31 pixel-printer
or cabal install pixel-printer
pixel-printer image.png
or cabal run pixel-printer-exe image.png
will output
OpenSCAD code to the file "out.scad" in
the current directory. To get an STL from here, open and compile the OpenSCAD
code in OpenSCAD.
While I use .png
in the examples above, most common image formats are
supported. Any filetype supported by
JuicyPixels will work.
You can get more information about supported command line options with
pixel-printer --help
. These command line options allow you to for example set
the width of the final output and the output file with pixel-printer --width 42 -o my-cool-file.scad my-cool-image.png
You will need stack or cabal as above. To install from source, clone this
repository and navigate to it in your command line shell of choice. From there
you can use stack build
or cabal build
to build from source, and stack run
or cabal exec
to run the program.
- v0.1 - Reads file given on command line, outputs .scad code to stdout. Height, width, length predefined
- v0.2 - Command line options for:
- invert height
- total width, total length
- height
- output to a file
- determine pixel height based on hue rather than brightness
- v0.3 - stl output
- ascii
- binary
- v0.4 - Presets
- lithophane mode
- v1.0 - same height pixel output, useful for painting the final product
- paint by pixels