LBRAT: R package for retrospective genetic association analysis of longitudinal binary outcomes in GWAS
LBRAT is an R program that performs retrospective association testing for longitudinal binary traits in population samples.
Package nleqslv, lme4, geepack, mvtnorm, data.table, plyr
PLINK 1.0 or 1.9 (
Install the required R package before you install LBRAT package. Install the LBRAT using the following steps.
git clone
Alternatively, one can install it in R using the following code.
devtools::install_github(repo = 'ZWang-Lab/LBRAT')
Details for functions and examples in the LBRAT are available in the manual ( and in the vignettes(
Wu, W., Wang, Z., Xu, K., Zhang, X., Amei, A., Gelernter, J., ... & Wang, Z. (2019). Retrospective Association Analysis of Longitudinal Binary Traits Identifies Important Loci and Pathways in Cocaine Use. Genetics, 213(4), 1225-1236.(