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C++14, header-only library for multi-stream data synchronization.


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C++14, header-only library for multi-stream data synchronization.

API Documentation

Documentation for latest version available here.

What is this used for?

This library is meant for generating groups of data from separate series. The core problems it is meant to address are:

  • How do we know which elements of data relate to one other across multiple series?
  • How do we know when this data is ready to be retrieved ("captured") for further use?
  • How do we capture different types of data uniformly and with minimal overhead?

In addressing these problems, this library enables data-driven event execution using data collected from distinct streaming series.

Example use case

At Fetch Robotics Inc., this library is used in tandem with ROS. ROS subscribers are used to feed data into Flow capture buffers with light message feeding callbacks. The callbacks transfer ROS messages into the appropriate Flow capture buffer. Flow entities are serviced separately to compute events from these messages. The resulting data frames from synchronization contain all messages needed to run a particular task. In this way, messages are also used as a pace-setting mechanism for core execution blocks.

Check out the Flow-ROS wrapper library for more details.



flow::Captor objects are data buffers with an associated synchronization policy. They are used in tuples to synchronize several streams of data. flow::Captor objects fall into two categories:

  • flow::Driver captors, which establish a time range for synchronization
  • flow::Follower captors, which select buffered data based on a driving sequencing range

flow::Captor objects from both categories will:

  • select (capture) data from their internal buffers
  • remove data from their internal buffers when it is no longer needed
  • re-order data that is added to the internal buffer out of order before data synchronization is attempted

Additionally, flow::Captor objects were designed to:

  • work in both multi-threaded and single-threaded contexts
    • multi-threaded with blocking capture on asynchronous data injection
    • multi-threaded with polling for capture
    • single-threaded with polling for capture (no locking overhead)
  • support customizable data storage
    • users can supply custom underlying data containers (default is a std::deque)
    • in turn, this allows for easy specification of custom allocation methods
  • support input data generically through the use of a Dispatch concept and flexible data access (see below)
  • support generic data retrieval through use of output iterators


flow::Synchronizer provides methods for operating on flow::Captor objects as a group (arranged as a tuple). The flow::Synchronizer can be used to retrieve synchronized data between several buffers like so:

// We have three captors for different types of data: driver, first_follower, second_follower

// Any iterable container can be used to capture data (even raw buffers!). Capturing through
// iterators allows the end user to specify their own memory handling
std::vector<CustomDispatch<int>> driver_data;
std::list<CustomDispatch<double>> first_follower_data;
std::deque<CustomDispatch<std::string>> before_follower_data;

// Run data capture
const auto result = flow::Synchronizer::capture(
  std::forward_as_tuple(driver, first_follower, second_follower),

if (result == flow::State::PRIMED)
  // driver_data, first_follower_data, before_follower_data are ready

The flow::Synchronizer may also be used to test if capture is possible across all flow::Captor objects without changing the results of the next data capture:

// We have three captors for different types of data: driver, first_follower, second_follower

// Run data capture
const auto result = flow::Synchronizer::locate(
  std::forward_as_tuple(driver, first_follower, second_follower));

if (result == flow::State::PRIMED)
  // sync is possible (data for next capture was not removed)

// The next call to `Synchronizer::capture` will yield valid results

Usage Examples

  • See these test cases for examples of flow::Synchronizer in action in a multi-threaded context.
  • See this test case for an example of flow::Synchronizer in action in a single-threaded context.


A Dispatch is a conceptual object used to represent and access key information about data within flow::Captor buffers. Essentially, Dispatch objects have both data payload and sequencing information. An implementation which fulfills the Dispatch concept can be customized per use case.

In order to fulfill the requirements of the Dispatch concept, users must provide the following companion template specialization for their data type:

namespace flow

template <> struct DispatchAccess<::MyType>
  // Accesses sequencing stamp associated with data element
  static StampType stamp(const ::MyType& dispatch);

  // Accesses underlying value
  static ValueType value(const ::MyType& dispatch); // could just be a pass-through for ::MyType

}  // namespace flow

This library provides a default flow::Dispatch<StampT, DataT> object template, which is essentially just a slightly more descriptive std::pair for a stamp and a value. All required companion facilities have been provided for this template. This library also provides default accessors for std::pair<StampT, ValueT>.

If your data already has an embedded sequencing value, you need only provide the appropriate access helpers. Take the following example:

struct MyMessage
  StampType stamp;
  MessageData meaningful_data;

You can specify access to stamp and message payload values with:

namespace flow

template <> struct DispatchAccess<::MyMessage>
  static const ::StampType& stamp(const ::MyMessage& dispatch) { return message.stamp; }

  static const ::MessageData& value(const ::MyMessage& dispatch) { return message.meaningful_data; }

}  // namespace flow

Additionally, you must provide a specialization of flow::DispatchTraits, which will be used to specify required type info used by flow::Captor objects:

namespace flow

template <> struct DispatchTraits<::MyMessageDispatch>
  /// Dispatch stamp type
  using stamp_type = ::StampType;

  /// Dispatch data type
  using value_type = ::MessageData;

}  // namespace flow

If your associated sequence stamp type (StampType in the example above) is not a non-integral type (excluding bool), then you must also specialize flow::StampTraits:

namespace flow

template <> struct DispatchTraits<::StampType>
  /// Stamp type
  using stamp_type = StampType;

  /// Associated duration/offset type
  using offset_type = ... // typically a signed difference-result type, e.g. int or std::chrono::duration

  /// Returns minimum stamp value
  static constexpr StampT min() { return ...; };

  /// Returns maximum stamp value
  static constexpr StampT max() { return ...; };

}  // namespace flow

Partial specializations for std::chrono::time_point templates are provided.

Data queue storage customization

Captors utilize a flow::DispatchQueue for data ordering and retrieval. Users may supply a custom underlying container to manage this data. Refer to std::deque for more information on the listed requirements. The container type must supply the following:

Required member Type Description
ContainerT::size_type integer size type
ContainerT::const_iterator immutable element iterator type
ContainerT::const_reverse_iterator reverse-sequence immutable element iterator type
Required method Description
ContainerT::begin/cbegin returns iterator to first immutable element
ContainerT::end/cend returns iterator to one past last immutable element
ContainerT::rbegin/crbegin returns reverse iterator to last immutable element
ContainerT::rend/crend returns reverse iterator to one past first immutable element
ContainerT::emplace_front constructs an element, in place, at first position in the container
ContainerT::emplace_back constructs an element, in place, at last position in the container
ContainerT::emplace constructs an element, in place, after a specified iterator position
ContainerT::empty returns true if container contains no elements
ContainerT::size returns the number of elements in the container
ContainerT::pop_front removes first element in the container
ContainerT::front returns immutable reference to first element in the container
ContainerT::back returns immutable reference to last element in the container
ContainerT::clear clears available container contents

Captor Synchronization Policies



Captures the next N-oldest available Dispatch elements, removing only the oldest. Capture range lower bound is the stamp associated with the oldest captured Dispatch. Capture range upper bound is the stamp associated with the oldest captured Dispatch.



Captures the next N-oldest available Dispatch elements, removing all which are captured. Capture range lower bound is the stamp associated with the oldest captured Dispatch. Capture range upper bound is the stamp associated with the oldest captured Dispatch.



Captures the oldest available Dispatch elements. Capture range is the stamp associated with that Dispatch.



Captures the oldest available Dispatch elements. Capture range is the stamp associated with that Dispatch.




Captures all Dispatch elements before the capture range lower bound, minus a delay offset. All of the captured elements are removed.

Capture will report a flow::State::PRIMED state even if the buffer is empty, making this captor the ideal choice if you are working with a data stream that is "optional" for the current synchronization attempt.

It should be understood that the data captured by this captor is largely dependent on how data is add to the buffer and when capture is called.



Captures all Dispatch elements at and before the capture range lower bound, minus a delay offset. All of the captured elements are removed.

Capture will report a flow::State::PRIMED state even if the buffer is empty, making this captor the ideal choice if you are working with a data stream that is "optional" for the current synchronization attempt and you need to be able to optionally capture elements with the same stamp or at a fixed time offset (specified by the delay) from the driving message stamp.

It should be understood that the data captured by this captor is largely dependent on how data is added to the buffer and when capture is called.

TODO: Add Image


Captures all Dispatch elements before the capture range lower bound, minus a delay offset, once at least a single element is available after said sequencing boundary. All of the captured elements are removed.



Captures one Dispatch element before the capture range lower bound, minus a delay offset, within a pre-configured data period. All older elements are removed.



Captures N Dispatch elements before the capture range lower bound, minus a delay offset. All older elements are removed.



Captures one Dispatch element before the capture range lower bound, minus a minimum period. All older elements are removed. If no newer elements are present on the next capture attempt, then the last captured element is returned. If a newer element is present on a subsequent capture attempt, meeting the aforementioned qualifications, this elements is captured and replaces "latched" element state.

Latched element is cleared on reset.



Captures one Dispatch element with a stamp which exactly matched the capture range lower bound. All older elements are removed.



Captures one Dispatch element before the capture range lower bound; one element after the capture range upper bound; and all elements in between. All older elements are removed.


Follower Captor Data/Queue Monitoring Customization

Follower Captors support customizable sync behavior through a "queue monitor". Queue monitor objects are specified in the template argument list of a captor. If not specified, then a default, flow::DefaultDispatchQueueMonitor, is used with no additional overhead, assuming some form of basic compiler optimization enabled.

Queue monitor objects provide access to ALL the data currently available in a capture queue when the following methods are called:

  • QueueMonitor::check : per-captor synchronization state is checked, i.e. when held data is checked to verify that synchronization is state PRIMED and data can be captured. This check is a pre-condition applied BEFORE the actual capture behavior. In other words, this check can override a capture without removing data, but allow the current synchronization frame to be skipped.
  • QueueMonitor::update : global synchronization state is finished, i.e. when all captors have been checked and a global synchronization state is returned

check and update methods can be used to modify how and when data is captured (in a potentially stateful way, if needed). These methods may be static or const-qualified, depending on the use case.

An example queue monitor might look as follows:

struct MyQueueMonitor
   * @brief Check queue monitor state with on capture attempt
   *        Checks are applied in Follower derivative Captor objects, only
   * @retval true  allows capture to happen
   * @retval false  otherwise, causing Captor to return <code>State::SKIP_FRAME_QUEUE_PRECONDITION</code>
  template <typename DispatchT, typename DispatchContainerT, typename StampT>
  bool check(DispatchQueue<DispatchT, DispatchContainerT>&, const CaptureRange<StampT>&)
    return (cond == target_value);

   * @brief Updates queue monitor state with global synchronization results
   *        Called during <code>Sychronizer::capture</code>, updating several associated Captor s
  template <typename DispatchT, typename DispatchContainerT, typename StampT>
  void update(DispatchQueue<DispatchT, DispatchContainerT>&, const CaptureRange<StampT>&, const State)

// Main user code

// Before captor with custom queue monitor
flow::follower::Before<DispatchType, flow::NoLock, std::deque<DispatchType>, MyQueueMonitor> my_before_captor;

Running Tests


bazel test test/... --test_output=all


mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DBUILD_TESTS=true