I am Sergey Zelenin. Moscow, Russia. I'm 31. I received my knowledge in algebra, mathematical statistics and probability theory at the National Research Nuclear University MEPHI 📚 (specialty in nuclear reactors).
🔭 I’m currently working on some Pet-projects: 🧨Current:
Best DeFi analysis and trader search service - Zelfiguru
Python (Base, Pandas, Numpy)
Websockets, Threading, Asincyo
ML (SciKit-Learn, Pytorch, XGboost, LightGBM, Catboost)
Visualization (Matplotlib, Seaborn)
SQL (SQLlite, PosgreSQL, BigQuery)
Parsing (Bs4, requests, Selenium, Scrapy)
PROD (Django, Flask)
IDE (PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook)
Other (Pickle, os, Bash, Git, Docker)
📫 You can reach me at telegram: @Zelmaker