Welcome to the Portfolio Template, your ultimate tool for crafting a professional and personalized portfolio that showcases your unique skills and achievements. This template is designed to empower users with a sleek, modern, and user-friendly interface, ensuring that your portfolio not only impresses but also effectively communicates your story and capabilities.
- Feel free to read my Blog about this Project on Hashnode
Customizable Sections
Responsive Design
Social Media Integration
SEO Optimization
Easy Setup
Personal Branding
- To make a local copy of this Project on your machine, enter the following
Commmand in your Terminal:
git clone https://github.com/Zemerik/Portfolio-Template.git && cd Portfolio-Template
- This Portfolio can be easily customised to your choice, just follow the guide below:
Main Sections
Spotify Status
- Join the Lanyard Discord Server,
- Head over to
and locate line 62. - Remove 1018816958587748383 and paste YOUR DISCORD ACCOUNT ID after
Thanks to Lanyard for making this possiblle!
- We can locally run this Project on our Network and see the output using the following Commands of
Install required Dependencies
npm i pnpm --force
pnpm i
Run the output locally on your Network
pnpm run dev
For any kind of support or inforrmation, you are free to join our Discord Server,
Don't forget to leave a ⭐
Made with 💖 by Hemang Yadav (Zemerik)