👋 Hi, I’m @Zienhleh :
👀 I’m interested in Terpene Synthase genes in Ascomycota
🌱 I’m currently learning Phylogenomics and terpene synthase genes identified in fungi
📫 How to reach me: zinhle.nxumalo@fabi.up.ac.za
My name is Zinhle Nxumalo This is directory that contain all my scripts and data sets that I have used to conduct a study to identify terpene synthase genes in Ascomycota
#Parent directory: MSc_Project_ZAN
#Subdirectories: Ascomycota and PracticePhylogenetics
Ascomycota: Asc_TPS_genes New_Sequence New_Sequence_backup Scripts Selected_full_sequences_withbuscoresults
Asc_TPS_genes #This directory contains terpene synthase genes. this is the directory that was used to conduct and create terpene synthase gene tree.
#contain aligned fasta files with subdir that has trimmed sequences
#Contains aligned Phylip sequences with a subdir that has trimmed sequences of that format
#This subdir contains the buso full report results with which are used to create the species tree.
#A directory to test scripts in.