Reference maze
To repository is added Maze(_*).html from where you can copy (other three) mazes. The one that is shown as reference is already in path.txt.
Specify all sequence of every step you take through maze.
L=Left | R=Right | D=Down | U=Up (DDRULLGDR)
You need to specify every direction you need to take to come from ☺ to ♥.
directions = {"L": (-1, 0), "R": (1, 0), "D": (0, 1), "U": (0, -1)}
You will find final result in Final_result.txt.
Task was part (final task) of MojeDeloHekaton - CTF
Picture of the maze is added in repo. Page was refreshed every 45 seconds and new picture with new maze appeared.
To use this code you need to copy maze from webpage (added *.html) to path.txt (in repo), install python 3.x, run and you will get result in Final_result.txt.
Maze size = 80 × 40 = 3200 points.
Crossroad is where path split on two branches - three ways to go from crossroad.
There is no crossroads with 4 possible ways or ways that lead in circles (only one valid path from ☺ to ♥)
Referenced maze has 82 crossroads, 16 of those are valid (path goes through them)
For 100 that mazes it takes 22 seconds to write down whole path (see in repo).
- mark wall as "#" and free space as " "
- find start return coordinate where you find "☺"
- find finis return coordinate where you find "♥"
- find way with coordinates to the first crossroad
- specify what is crossroad (3 free ways one wall)
- find all crossroads
- for crossroads that ends with two blind roads (two branches from crossroad hit wall) mark crossroad as wall ("#")
- every iteration you repeat previous action, you will find less valid crossroads
- it takes around 10 iterations to remove all unused (not valid) crossroads
- from every crossroad that is not removed (changed to wall) remove branch that lead to wall and remember two branches that lead to another crossroad or ☺ or ♥
- compose branch by branch to get coordinates for the whole way
- get direction (D, U, L, R) to go from one coordinate to another
- write final result in file Final_result.txt
for more info check comments in