Realtime P2P Router
First, use the latest stable version of Node. It changes stupid fast. We try to stay current, fix what breaks.
nvm use stable
Next, install all the node modules with yarn.
yarn install
To run the express, we use the heroku client that runs the Procfile
heroku local web
Once running you may view the servers status by going to
NOTE: use 'AUTH=<your_host>/account/connect' for your own custom authentication server. See 'Procfile' for more information.
- Store socket and session for torchie clients
- caches connection id to socket id map
- use ->
- Create socket layer for talkServer commands and messaging
- Create API for broadcast notification to all clients
- Create API for private notification to a specific client
- Create API for private message to a specific client
- Create API for creating new rooms
- Create API for destroying rooms
- Create API for sending message to room