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RE Mote_revA_errata_battery_charging

Antonio Lignan edited this page Jun 20, 2016 · 1 revision

RE-Mote revision A errata: How to solve the problem about battery charging

For a correct functionality of the battery charger is necessary to do a hardware modification which can have repercussions about the ultra low power consumption mode of the system, although it will continue allowing other low power consumption features that can be used for low power applications.

To do this modification by your own will only be necessary to remove R26, de-soldering the component and soldering it to R28. Placing this 0 ohm resistor to R28 will allow the battery charger be in normal operation mode.

See the images below to know where are the components in the board and the corresponding design:

Designations of the resistors to modify

Component designators

Previous placement

Previous placement

New placement

New placement

This bug is fixed in next hardware revision (Rev. B).

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