C++ implementation of "Dense Bag-of-Temporal-SIFT-Words"
dbotsw needs the following external librairies (alphabetic order):
- Boost
- LibSVM
- OpenCV
make clean && make dbotsw
To launch the example:
- go to dbotsw/
- compile according to the instruction
- execute with: ./bin/dbotsw --p example/param/1 --f example/data/ --o example/output/
- or execute with: /bin/dbotsw --p example/param/1 --t example/data/data_TRAIN --x example/data/data_TEST --o example/output/
Execution options (alphabetic order):
- --f : Folder 'xx' containing the data under the format xx/xx_TRAIN + xx/xx_TEST
- --o : Output folder
- --p : Parameter file
- --t / --x : Training & Testing files
An example of good parameter file is given in example/param/1.
Possible parameters that can be included in the parameter file : sz_block, n_blocks, k (k-means), c_svm, n_sc, k_fold, dense, norm_bow, norm_bow_ssr...
Main program to extract feature vectors (and work directly from them) is available.
make clean && make get_feature_vectors
Require options --f and --o