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Simple setup for Telegraf → InfluxDb → Grafana

When executed it spawns following services:

Start containers in the background

docker-compose up -d

In order to confirm the stack is up an running we can check endpoints listed above or check logs

docker-compose ps
     Name                Command           State                     Ports
tig_grafana_1    /                   Up>3000/tcp
tig_influxdb_1   / influxd    Up>8086/tcp
tig_telegraf_1   / telegraf   Up>8092/udp, 8094/tcp, 8125/udp
docker-compose logs telegraf
Attaching to tig_telegraf_1
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:31Z I! Starting Telegraf 1.14.2
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:31Z I! Using config file: /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:31Z I! Loaded inputs: socket_listener
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:31Z I! Loaded aggregators:
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:31Z I! Loaded processors:
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:31Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:31Z I! Tags enabled: host=f1817baf913f
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:31Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"f1817baf913f", Flush Interval:10s
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:31Z D! [agent] Initializing plugins
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:31Z D! [agent] Connecting outputs
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:31Z D! [agent] Attempting connection to [outputs.influxdb]
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:31Z D! [agent] Successfully connected to outputs.influxdb
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:31Z D! [agent] Starting service inputs
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:31Z I! [inputs.socket_listener] Listening on udp://[::]:8092
telegraf_1  | 2020-05-04T17:31:50Z D! [outputs.influxdb] Buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics
docker-compose logs influxdb
Attaching to tig_influxdb_1
influxdb_1  | influxdb init process in progress...
influxdb_1  | ts=2020-05-04T17:31:28.354245Z lvl=info msg="InfluxDB starting" log_id=0M_Bj2tW000 version=1.8.0 branch=1.8 commit=781490de48220d7695a05c29e5a36f550a4568f5
influxdb_1  | ts=2020-05-04T17:31:28.354315Z lvl=info msg="Go runtime" log_id=0M_Bj2tW000 version=go1.13.8 maxprocs=2
influxdb_1  | ts=2020-05-04T17:31:28.476371Z lvl=info msg="Using data dir" log_id=0M_Bj2tW000 service=store path=/var/lib/influxdb/data

(please note that -v will remove volumes so the persistancy will be lost)

docker-compose down -v

InfluxDb queries

docker exec -it tig-influxdb-1 bash
show databases
use database_name
show measurements

show tag values from test_measurement with key = host
show tag values cardinality from test_measurement with key=host

drop measurement name_of_measurement

select * from test_measurement
select * from test_measurement order by time desc limit 10
select * from test_measurement where time>now() -1h order by time desc limit 10

// in order to change the output format of time column from default unix epoch to RFC3339
precision rfc3339

Testing and tools

Packet Sender

Packet Sender is a convenient tool for testing UDP/TCP messages. Please see an example of a measurement packet in samples. Messages should be send to udp://localhost:8092 (telegraf instance).

Netcat (Linux/Mac)

To submit an UDP packet with measurement

echo -e  "measurement2,mytagkey=mytagvalue,influxdb_database=harvester value=123" | nc -u -w1 8092

Powershell (Windows/Mac/Linux)

Installing Powershell on Mac

// download script from repo (it is public)
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile UdpDatagram.ps1

// load script (dot sourcing)
. ./UdpDatagram.ps1

// execute function
Send-UdpDatagram -EndPoint "" -Port 30000 -Message "test_measurement_przemek4,tagname=tagvalue,influxdb_database=spu executiontime=123,sqlexecutiontime=155"

Tcpdump (Mac/Linux)

To capture outgoing UDP traffic on particular network interface (below it is an OpenVPN tap0 interface) we can use tcpdump in order to confirm that we are actually sending datagrams:

ifconfig |grep -Eo "^\w+:"
tcpdump -i tap0 udp port 30000 -vvv -X
tcpdump: listening on tap0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
23:38:33.004007 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 44140, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 131) > [udp sum ok] UDP, length 103
	0x0000:  4500 0083 ac6c 0000 4011 ec8e 0a15 6797  E....l..@.....g.
	0x0010:  0a15 65ae ddbd 7530 006f db86 7465 7374  ..e...u0.o..test
	0x0020:  5f6d 6561 7375 7265 6d65 6e74 5f70 727a  _measurement_prz
	0x0030:  656d 656b 342c 7461 676e 616d 653d 7461  emek4,tagname=ta
	0x0040:  6776 616c 7565 2c69 6e66 6c75 7864 625f  gvalue,influxdb_
	0x0050:  6461 7461 6261 7365 3d73 7075 2065 7865  database=spu.exe
	0x0060:  6375 7469 6f6e 7469 6d65 3d31 3233 2c73  cutiontime=123,s
	0x0070:  716c 6578 6563 7574 696f 6e74 696d 653d  qlexecutiontime=
	0x0080:  3135 35                                  155


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