This is a simple Node.js file that allows you to read data from a CSV file, convert it to JSON format, and save it to a new file.
Before running this code, you should have the following installed:
- Place the main.js file in the same folder as the users.csv file.
- Open a terminal and navigate to the folder where the main.js file is located.
- Run node main.js to execute the code.
- The code will read the users.csv file, convert the data to JSON format, and save it to a new file called users.json.
The following functions are included in the code:
- readCSV: Reads the data from the users.csv file and converts it to JSON format.
- saveToFile: Saves the JSON data to a new file called users.json.
- readJsonFile: Reads the content of the users.json file and prints it to the console.
- Name: Ahnmed Alawneh
- Email:
- Name: Faris Abuali
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Foothill Technology Solutions for giving me the chance to be part of this internship cycle. I am thankful for their unwavering support and guidance during the development of this project.