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Attendees: Joe, Phoebe, Ye, Amy Regrets: Helen, Christine, Ece, Sadie Notetaker: Amy

  • AOB
  • Announcements/Sharing | Amy | Feedback (all) | 15-20 min
  • Topics
    • Topic | Leader | Process & desired outcome | time
    • DMS/DSS box as a guide element
    • NIH DMSP
      • DMPtool
        • Creating customizations for MIT, and maybe BCS
        • Conversations happening around infrastructure for these
        • How do we get the DMPtool to the ppl writing the NIH grant?
          • AN: Question for Rebecca Saxe. Is it just PIs? or PIs and grant writers.
      • Workshops
        • Doing this again
        • Amy has some slides on this
        • Add to IAP.
          • Can adapt to 1hr, need to do or 2hr, let's start writing
    • Planning for IAP: Move to Slack
      • In person or on-line?
      • On-line
      • Hybrid? the timeline: consider and test, if determined in spring/summer. do it in fall if decided.
      • to teach:
        • reproducibility: cover ML & large datasets, too
          • More hands on
          • Need to change description
        • NIH DMSP
          • 2 phases
        • Thesis workshop
        • Explore the mini-workshop, e.g., 1/2 hr. Research Data Snippets
          • ReadMe
          • Software templating
          • Batch re-namers
          • Look at Kristin Briney's work
          • Quicker & Dirtier, just one topic.
          • What does that license mean? (what license families apply to which types of material, what does that cc mean (downstream obligations)?). Reach out TLO about these.
          • Picking the right topics
    • Next time! Land acknowledgements, to continue previous discussion, connection to DMS activities
  • Action item review | note-taker | Consensus | 3 min
  • +/𝚫 | Amy | Fee


Attendees: Ece, Amy, Christine, Phoebe, Helen, Ye, Sadie

  • AOB

  • Announcements/sharing

    • Open Repositories proposal on accessibility content in DSpace. Looking at OA article collection, esp version of record copies. We should start having accessible PDFs be part of publisher contracts
    • Large datasets going into DataVerse.
    • RDR name
  • Consultation check-ins

    • Data Champion!: Was great. Was looking for information for self at MIT, and also to present at a roundtable about MIT. Networking opportunity with EPFL coordinator. CM following up conversation around entry point.
    • Syllabus data: Discussed challenges. Discussed citation management tools.
    • Catherine D'Ignazio: Making data publicly available. Dataverse. Some legacy servers that she is talking to IS&T about.
    • Katie Zimmerman: Looking to wrangle license data/information. There is an XML schema for this. XML editor? Resources? Will be meeting w Metadata ppl. Follow-up w Christine on #data-management or email.
  • Topics

    • Revisit workshop portfolio, particularly in an online context | Amy
      • E.20 project has elements on making the process/materials better
      • May be future crossovers w developing workshops for data in a disc or dept, e.g. Data management for Chemistry.
      • May be some future possibilities for one off Carpentries topics
      • Maintain the moderator role. Helpful for moderator to refresh, maybe instruction
      • Remote or in-person?
        • For hands-on/using programming tools still easier & maybe more effective in-person
        • For shorter workshops, remote is great & we've already done the conversion.
    • Researcher Contact Log / Quickbase security review | Christine
      • slide link: xxx
      • Project link: xxx
    • PIDpalooza - notes of interest | Sadie
      • Didn't go to everything. It is recorded!
      • Look for presentations from researcher perspective
      • Eleanora from Arxiv talked about why DataCite DOIs in addition to Arxiv hdls.
        • While technical hdl system was working, added Datacite DOIs for the community
      • While the connection is made by the PID, the metadata it's connecting to is important, too!
      • DataCite updates include other associated documents
      • They used an interesting DVR style platform
  • Action item review

    • Amy to update KB on Dataverse
    • Look for ways for others to increase personal cred w Dataverse
    • CM to update on Data Stewards/Champions point of entry conversation
    • AN follow up w Ye on comment around discipline specific data workshops
  • +/𝚫

    • 𝚫 Combine first two bullets into one
      • Conference updates
      • Consult updates: for last month do updates
    • 𝚫 Not 4pm meetings
  • AOB

  • Introduce Sadie!

  • Announcements/Sharing (all, 5-15 min)

    • OATF-IT update: rec 10
    • JPAL cross-links & Privacy training
    • From RDG
  • Consultation check-ins | Amy | Feedback (all) | 5-10 min

  • Topics

  • Action item review | Ye | Consensus | 3 min

  • +/𝚫 | Amy | Feedback (all) | 5 min

Topic Topic leader Process Intent/ Desired outcome Priority Time (min) OK'd
Remote User Support and Training: Planning for fall AN review current practices & CaRCC notes ( Explore models for remote support, determine actions med xx
Response & Synthesis teams Howard Updates/Discussion Understanding & next steps med xx
Topic Topic leader Process Intent/ Desired outcome Priority Time (min) OK'd
Annual report HS Review timelines, content, answer questions Timely & effective completion med xx
Performance reviews HS Review timelines, content, answer questions Timely & effective completion med xx
DSS agenda DS Review draft agenda finalize agenda med xx
Date Activity People
2021 IASSIST presentation Christine, Jennie, Madeline
Year Item People
2021 Co-location & Collaboration: How space influenced
our library data services (IASSIST) Christine Malinowski, Jennie Murack, Madeline Wrable
2021, 2020 FSCI: FAIR for Data and Texts Not in the Open: Overcoming Legal, Technological, and Economic Barriers (force11) Ye Li, Laura Hanscom, Katie Zimmerman
2021 Preparing Your Chemical Data for Publishing and FAIR Sharing (presentation) Ye Li
2020 Teaching Cheminformatics through a Collaborative Intercollegiate Online Chemistry Course Ye Li
2019 ARL White Paper on WIkidata: Opportunities and Recommendations Phoebe Ayers
2019 Skills, Standards, and Sapp Nelson's Matrix: Evaluating Research Data Management Workshop Offerings Philip Coombs, Christine Malinowski, Amy Nurnberger
2021 Unifying the meaning of open and designing a new global open solutions policy framework Amy Nurnberger
2021 AAU/APLU APARD Summit: Opening panel discussion Amy Nurnberger
2021 CHORUS Forum: Are we ready for data metrics? (panel) Amy Nurnberger
2020 Reflections on Sharing Clinical Trial Data: Challenges and a Way Forward (NASEM workshop, speaker) Amy Nurnberger
2019 GIS and Data: Making Space at MIT (NNLM-NER, presentation) Daniel Sheehan, Amy Nurnberger


Attendees: Pixie Rose, Amy N, Emily K, Nina, Aya, Tina C, Kaija, S Regrets: Julia, Ned

Current Event: Clap when You Land Elizabeth Acevedo

  • Postering
    • needed beyond the main block, e.g., Sloan, NE 36, former cube space/near Med. Partner Person has already done good postering on main block
    • Won't have posters until end of next week
      • Because of logo error on part of sponsor
      • Waiting to ask Ned to swap the new logo in
    • Pixie, Kaija up for some organic postering
    • We are seeing more posters and foot traffic than three weeks ago. A last minute blitz would not be a loss. But if they are made, they should be used
    • Postering people: commit to a realistic number of posters you could distribute in the given timeframe and let Nina know, ASAP
  • Responsibilities for author event
    • Kaija: Introduction
      • Please also mention the virtual discussion
    • Aya & Emily K: Slido
    • Sophia: has contributed students for staffing event
    • Nina & Kaija: Discussion facilitation
    • Nina & Aya: Updating slides for ppl on zoom.
    • Nina will send link to group for review. Need timeline.
  • Responsibilities: virtual small group discussion
  • Green room for author?
    • Nina will check w Sophia
  • Nina will put Aya & Emily in touch w Sophia for MVP/Slido thing
  • Collection highlights display
    • Got lots of good suggestions. Working to organize pulls and putting on shelf
    • Probably have enough now to put up by end of week
    • What poster should be used? There might be one in the area?
      • Could do a "Collections Highlights" thing for Afro-Latine authors
      • Use the right design template, please
    • Would like a news item on the web site for the Collections Highlight
      • S will do this, essentially like a reading list w links
    • Is it possible to have a title suggestion for the collection? a link to a form, or something? on the Collections Highlights poster? Maybe to a suggested purchase form??
      • S will manage

Planning upcoming events:

  • Fall 2022 event

    • Nina/Tina have relationship w autobiographical writing class where students pitch book for MIT Reads. Have identified a theme from last year's notes: tie-in w mental health issues, student mental health
    • PArtners:
      • S^3 thrilled to partner on this theme.
      • Mental health & counseling
      • Fall timeline challenging for student participation
    • May Mental Health month could give an opportunity to help start interest, collection suggestions, etc.
    • Wellness collection at Hayden could use some development & suggestions...
  • Spring 2023 event

    • Asst Dean from CoC reached out to partner. Will pull whole CoC to contribute thoughts on diversity and inclusion in he computing area
    • Nina will contact Phoebe about level of involvement
  • Comment: While planning ahead like this may seem to block off participation/suggestions from students, there are other opportunities where Community Engagement supports these efforts

MIT Reads Membership

  • Current membership: 12
    • New members: Emily, Tina C, Aya
  • We will also be getting ARL Diversity Fellow for Community Engagement
  • Are there needs not currently being met?
    • Pulling together, writing & formatting marketing content
      • Could be good work for Fellow
      • No one stepped up to lead the marketing team
      • Marketing is a skill, and maybe an actual marketing person should be paid for that work, not voluntary
      • Decision: This marketing lead role will be assigned to fellow.
  • What does having a signed agreement for represented folk mean for this team?
    • Everyone's participation is valued. People have been able to contribute where they enjoy.
    • Until there is a clearer decision about how work gets structured, keep doing what you've been doing
    • Things change and there may be new configurations, and we should still enjoy working together


  • AOB
  • Announcements/Sharing | Amy | Feedback (all) | 15-20 min
    • Consultation updates | same | Feedback (Ece/All)
      • w Phoebe & new faculty member: Fiore in EEPS. Came from Columbia. Looking for overview at MIT for data management. Working on climate change modeling with big data. Done. May come back with request for classes when she starts teaching, in fall 2022. Lincoln has a whole set of classes for using MGH clusters. May be an opportunity for Alejandro to be involved w DMS & faculty.
      • former Carpentries student. Want to do github class for her classes.
    • Conferences: gone/going to
      • Christine, Tableau virtual conference: Attended some sessions. Got some new TUG members. Some sessions on accessible visualizations. MS accessibility personas. Speed tip sessions very useful. All recordings are available now. Next TUG mtg in July.
    • Annual report timing
      • Everything up to date by 17Jun.
      • Working on aspects of EDISJ & equity, e.g., accessibility, ethics, indigenous data, talking w COUHES about representation
      • Opportunities, e.g., Fiore as case study. [write this story]
  • Topics
    • Summer Workshops: enter your workshop information in the google sheet by the end of the day on Friday, 6/10. (10 min) ( Possibilities from last time:
      • Data bites, data tapas? (30 min, high level)
        • ** Data availability statements (Ye/Sadie)
        • ** readME (Phoebe/Christine)
        • ** backups (Ece)
        • ** what to look for in a repository (Sadie/Christine)
        • Do two & two together. [ ] PA taking point on scheduling
      • ** RDM for PostDocs (Phoebe/Ece) (need to check timing)
      • Bringing git and gitHub into its own area of use/instruction
        • Could do some work here
      • Accessibility of visualizations, or work it in to other things
        • Would be easy to do this, based on slides from "Make better figures"
      • ** NIH DMSP (Ye/Amy)
      • More customized Carpentries type workshops for specific disciplines
        • reg Carpentries sched for 1/2 wk of August
        • No time for discipline-specific workshop development
        • Rethinking how Carpentries are scheduled
      • Use of OSF for research project management
        • Need a good use case or three for different disciplines
      • Data protection collaborations
    • From Last Time (everyone to have reviewed materials): DMS professional development for the topic of: Anonymization, Deidentification, Privacy. | Amy | Share resource & get feedback: How to be FAIR with your data: A teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions” (” has necessary skills & learning outcomes identified (p19-31) and a curriculum already set for sensitive/restricted data in their Lesson Plan 12, p. 155. This is a great starting point for our work, that we can pull from – I especially like #10 of the Lesson Plan. |15 min
      • Review Lesson plan #1-5, as part of a half session, especially #3 at a definitional level; #1 local policies
      • 6-10
      • Need learning together
      • Homework is hard
      • Either time in DMS or separate meeting.
        • Walking through readings/resources
        • Discuss what kinds of data this might come up for
        • Examine the lesson plan, determine what gaps are, and what would fill those gaps.
      • Other resource:
      • Journal club type model. In DMS mtg identify topic, gap, possible resources, identify responsibility for summation. In club meeting summation is delivered and application/implementation is discussed.
      • AN to create a project plan
    • From Last Time: Landscape overview of conversations we have as DMS | Amy | Overview & appeal | 10 min
      • Wiki page of key people and current topics
        • AN do this
        • Table, sortable by people, dept, topic
      • Weekly email is good
      • opening discussions are good
      • Libraries developments & how they impact DMS
    • RDM updates
      • Still valuable
      • Should be shared more widely
      • Would Data stand-up group be good audience
        • AN bring up to Heather
      • Make it a blog update
      • CM make this mini-project to do this
    • Structured conversation about DMS evolution: scoping & goals (15 min)


  • AOB
  • Announcements/Sharing | Amy | Feedback (all) | 15-20 min
    • Consultation updates | same | Feedback (Screener for last month/All)
    • Conferences: going to
    • Developments across the Libraries
      • Data Dialog 2
  • Topics
    • Topic | Leader | Process & desired outcome | time
    • FY23 DMS projects | Amy | Share, question, proposals
      • Data Prize
      • ETD supplemental vs research materials
      • NIH DMSP
      • Professional dev
      • EDISJ in data
      • DOI Service
      • Regulars: Teaching, maintenance, consultation
        • Data bites
    • RDI preview & feedback | Amy | Review & feedback
  • Action item review | note-taker | Consensus | 3 min
    • From last time
      • PA taking point on scheduling Data Bites
      • AN Wiki page of key people and current topics
      • AN to create a project plan
      • CM make mini project for RDM update expand distribution
      • AN bring to HS if Data Checkin good audience
  • +/𝚫 | Amy | Feedback (all) | 5 min


Attendees: Nina, Amy (notes), Cassandra, Karrie, Felicity, Avery, Brigham (guest), Lisa

  • Updates
    • NDM: RAK & Study breaks. These are happening. These are assigned tasks, not voluntary. Tasks are assigned in CE group. [Library administrative staff are welcome to participate, tbd]
    • FW: Reminder. Review the DSS's Strategic work XLS and think about it for yourselves - more after thanksgiving (not sure if this is intended to supplant the Gantt chart). What might uncover strategic alliances. There is no due date, it will be revisited afer thanksgiving
    • Ppl for DLS Project Management group:
      • Everyone send Karrie names of people we recommend for group, who are eligible. Please do this by Friday, 21Oct
  • Brigham
    • Internal communication group
      • Looking for people.
      • This would be assigned work.
      • Ongoing. Membership for a year
      • What are the kinds of work, what kinds of strengths
    • Specialist slide show
      • We're talking about the one in Hayden
      • No owner of the slide deck
      • Monitor is an odd/un-useful place
      • Initial goal was motivated by service design team to raise visibility of expertise
        • Feel like we've lost the thread here a bit. At this point, not really sure what people get from big screens. Is there any literature about best use of big screens?
        • BF: We could look at data we have around how ppl hear of events, and see if they are useful for that?
          • NDM will do this
        • How do we tell if the specialist slides have value?
        • Is there a place, for consultations, where people are asked how they found out about the service?
          • LH will look if we can use appt service software to do this?
      • Can slide show be re-allocated
        • Ended up splitting up all of the slides that featured individual people
        • Services were already playing in all the Locations
        • When starting to think about how experts were shown, realized we have too many experts!
      • Other options
        • Move monitor to another space
          • Probably not quiet reading room (too distracting)
          • LH will follow-up on this w Maria
        • Thinking about setting up playlist differently to spread out individual experts
        • Ones that are noticeable are those that have people's faces. Could use this as a filter. Would like slides to focus on events
        • Could think about having slides condensed so that it is group slides by services (w photos), e.g., DUSP, Sci & Eng,
          • LH & BF will take a crack at this
    • Always looking for new stories
      • Faculty teaching "Beat of Brazil", historically Lewis hosted a concert for this with outside artists and open to MIT community. Would like to do this in 8Dec, 5pm.
      • Impact and implications of programming in DEN. Is that a news opportunity?
  • follow up from discussion last meeting how we as leaders work with our teams and navigate between advocacy and spokesperson behavior. (30 min) OUTCOME developing some shared understanding/agreement as a leadership team when conversations are action driven and when they are building understanding and trust (or they can be both)
    • This felt like a difficult conversation for RLL. KP also had a conversation w AHW about this. Want to take an opportunity to learning from this as a group.
      • Takeaways for RLL behavior as leaders
        • Spokesperson behavior should be reviewed
          • Better: bring in people, establish position (not just pass-through)
        • Help people who raise issues to understand that there are multiple perspectives and processes to deal with this
  • RLL managers mtg
    • FW has asked IDLA to speak to their experience working w and supervising union eligible staff
    • All should show up ready to listen in our highly collaborative environment and understand what has changed
    • While IDL had in charge to do something w CBA, there was a discussion about culture change outside of HR pronouncements & discussions
    • It would be good to have notes for those that can't attend, Tuesday at 2pm
  • for Karrie on bringing the meta-topic back
  • appreciate ppl leaning into slide conversation


  • AOB

  • Announcements/Sharing | Amy | Feedback (all) | 15-20 min

    • Consultation updates | same | Feedback (Screener for last month/All)
      • NIH DMSP
      • Make sure to log your interactions as they happen
      • Data Viz
      • Tagging
    • Conferences: going to
      • Amy: RDA in March, DataCite & GORC
    • Developments across the Libraries
      • Mission statement on Data Services
      • TDM services
        • IPLC TDM
        • Group in LIRS
          • LIRS has been talking about access to tools & text
        • RDM concerns: Creating reproducible
          • Sharing
          • Reproducibility
          • Workflow
        • put on agenda for next time
  • Topics

    • IAP review

      • Data bites
        • ppl register and then stayed for second
        • More thought about sequencing & grouping
        • ppl were positive about the 30 min
      • What worked well
        • Much more interactive & engaged IAP
        • Postdocs in person w snacks!! (nexus)
          • logistics nerves
      • What should we keep/change
        • Advertising on postdoc slack
        • Focused on making things interactive
          • Use of polleverywhere
        • note friction of zoom breakout rooms
      • Noticings
        • Much more interactive & engaged IAP
          • More comfortable asking questions
          • focused topics attract ppl with specific questions that they want answered
          • we've been running roughly half and half mit & not mit seems like?
          • Interesting instructional problem for data bites
            • really only 18 min of instruction time
            • Not much interaction in session
            • Easy to spin up
            • Different expectations: just get the information, not mastery
          • 50% of registrants show up - this rule still holds true for the sessions I taught (except for Carpentries).
        • put April teaching sessions on next agenda
          • better feedback mechanisms
    • Project check-in/review - Research on Open Data Awards - Developing questions - ELNs - ORCD is requesting info from IS&T in terms of what they are supporting for scientific software - WebSite review - Just content or structure, too? - Touch base w Darcy & Melissa - Training on Privacy & Anonymization - Get back to this - EDISJA in DMS - launched - Repositories - Dryad - QDR - [ ] Everyone: update the google sheet

    • NIH DMSP update

  • Takeaways

  • Action item review | note-taker | Consensus | 3 min

    • CAKE + Muddy
  • +/𝚫 | Amy | Feedback (all) | 5 min

RLL 2023-06-20

  • Housekeeping
    • Facilitator or cancel July 5?
      • Going once, going twice...Will stay there for a few days, but will likely disappear
    • Set deadline for annual reports due to Alexia
      • By end of July
      • For R&L use
      • Should align w portfolio management work
        • Wants to see stats, so can use as talking points & evidence for envisioning new services/positions
        • Narratives around
          • Belonging, as operationalized in dept
          • Staffing
  • Inconference Debrief and Next Steps (45 min)
    • Debrief
      • what successes should we build on
        • Felt people had forgotten how important in-person can be
        • Had some amazing cross-departmental conversations in break-out touching on strategic vision and relationship to work. A lot of enthusiasm for mildly directed and more spontaneous convos like this
        • Hearing colleagues talk about their & our collective work was very impactful
        • Overall distribution of social/play/focused time was excellent
        • Received positive feedback when normally in-person event feedback is usually negative. Especially that organization and facilitation was so smooth, with clear directions
        • Brought the intellectual basis for work back into our lives (via Ruha Benjamin, panels). The intellectual content was very accessible
        • Did a good job in aggregate about distributing conference tasks, e.g., owning what we were good at and outsourcing what we're not (catering). Us doing referral to expertise well
        • Avery was a great MC! and games master!
          • It was a great way to get to know people. We did something that created belonging instead of talking about it
          • The NE36 games event was a similar opportunity
        • Good decision to have ice cream
        • Good cross-directorate partnership
        • The importance of bringing people into casual contact with each other to learn about each other and what knowledge people have. The necessity of gathering together as fundamental & essential to our work
        • Were able to focus on what the R&L directorate needed, didn't overprogram
        • Some 40-ish people attended R&L event
      • any lessons learned, things to think about for next time
        • While we've been hesitant to mandate in-person events, we should come back to good practices and have in-person events 2-4 times/yr, to continue building on these relationships
        • Not all gathering must be organized like meetings
        • The need to gather as a directorate for the intent of belonging and discourse vs operations. These are different types of conversations/engagements & relationships
        • The incidental opportunistic meetings, the space to just chat and get to know folks that was discussed as a huge loss while we have been so short staffed was borne out by the success of the R&L session
        • The ability to raise and engage with cross-directorate challenges, e.g., computational access to materials
        • How do we do this as an R&L directorate going forward?
          • Maybe think about picking & choosing the things we do & the formats for the outcomes that we want. These can look differently and behave differently. If a meeting is different than being together, we need to figure out how to come to that planning differently. Need to diversify portfolio how we meet with our teams, because we need to rebuild or build
          • More fun is discussing interesting problems rather than report on accomplishments
        • Plan more in-person directorate meetings. Maybe some single topic or interactive agendas for in-person
          • e.g., Cupcakes & conversation on AI in Libraries
        • Increase in-person participation by making it interesting/FOMO rather than compliance
        • Importance of sharing food together
          • You don't even need a planned day. Just a designated day, two hours, and BYOL together.
        • The mis/disinformation session is something that could be like this
        • Belonging is built through interaction, not programmatic 'sharing of accomplishments'
      • Summation: Needs: talk about accomplishments, share challenges, cross-cutting developments AND belonging and what creates it. Think about a rubric that creates invitationals rather than mandated meetings. (and maybe a new name) This is work that RLL needs to do
        • Could RLL consider trying to program the next 12 months so that we make space for the variety of interactions we want? (must take into account academic calendar)
        • 4X next year is more than enough: 2 traditional directorate meetings and 1-2 gatherings
          • what is the window for follow-up activity to take advantage of the energy
          • R&L Ice cream social after Labor Day
          • What IS the thing that people want us to do again? Ice cream? trivia?
            • Assigned tables to work on creating something together
        • Doing 'teaming' in a hybrid organization. How do we address sense of loneliness, the desire to model and remodel leaderliness(?), express valuation of individuals in MIT Libraries. Exploring the forming together that is important. This change vortex and instability is not unique to MIT Libraries, it is all academic libraries. MIT Libraries have created a unique user- & staff-centered hybrid models. We might invite colleagues from other orgs to come talk to provide some comparison.
    • Next steps for summer, fall
      • Continued in person & hybrid R&L relationship building
      • Next R&L meeting
        • Avery & Alexia to work towards 'traditionally expressed' directorate meetings
        • May be time to do another poll about whether a directorate meeting should be in-person or on zoom (in-conference experience may have changed perspectives)
      • Topics for future RLL’s with Alexia (e.g., our own RLL leadership skills building was suggested, what other topics?)


Attendees: Sadie, Amy, Joe, Phoebe, Ye, Ece

  • AOB
    • None
  • Action item check-ins:
    • Phoebe: come up with a list of accommodation resources we could provide in consultations, consult with Nina on where best to put this info for the Libraries
    • Sadie: one more round of edits and then DMS will provide documents that will get into DSpace. (Topic: DMS archiving DMS materials DMS wants to share out (teaching related, etc) on DSpace)
      • Sticking point is there isn't a parent identifier for managing versions.
      • There is a work-around, but it relies on users clicking through to most recent version, and making a dummy workaround page.
      • Stick with the current dropbox solutions for DMS education documents
      • There is a Libraries community for external presentation materials Presentation’s collection is already available:
      • PA expressed need for non-DMS teaching materials
    • Ece, Phoebe, Ye, Amy: Register for McGill workshops on sensitive data
    • Amy: include item in November meeting to share what was learned.
    • All: set up October workshops as follows, Quick and Dirty (Phoebe, Ece, in person), File Org (Sadie, Ece, virtual) and NIH (Amy, Ye, virtual)
    • Ece: show Sadie the calendaring, scheduling of workshops.
  • Announcements/Sharing | Amy | Feedback (all) | 15-20 min
    • Consultation updates | same | Feedback (Screener for last month/All)
      • Followed up with new bio faculty
      • DMP for environmental eng/agriculture
      • Chem person
      • DMP from Media lab
    • Conferences: going to
      • PA: Wikimania in Singapore
      • YL: American Chemistry Society
        • In EU: Big grant for [check this out for GORC]
        • Will be using materials for customized workshops for chemistry.
        • Materials discovery system discussions to bridge gap b/t data collection and AI/ML for designing new materials. A lot of these coming to fore. Majority corporate, seeing more gov't. NIST is expanding platform.
      • JC: Society of American Archivists.
      • SR: Data Curation Network & Institutional Data Repositories
        • Illinois Data Collection very integrated example
        • NC State and use of Dryad as primary solution. The amount of outreach around Dryad and partnering with Dryad to feel like part of university offerings. Made economic sense.
      • AN: RDA in Oct
    • Developments across the Libraries
      • Open Data Prize: noted trend is more submissions from engineering than science.
        • CREOS post-doc: it's really important to get ppl moving in a direction we need to get leaders moving in direction first
      • GIS & RDM
      • TDM?
      • Ways of Seeing project. 3D model & VR data of cultural sites in Afghanistan. Omeka. They want it in DSpace & ArchNet b/c branding. There aren't other places to make sense to go already.
        • Recommend DCN primers & RDA groups
        • There is a need for a solution across MIT for these types of files. This is reminiscent of computational fluid dynamics, which also does not have a good home.
          • Also GIS models (Daniel from field trips)
        • SR: Let's set up a conversation about how to work on this.
  • Topics
  • Takeaways | All | 5 min
  • Action item review | note-taker | Consensus | 3 min
    • add mini project EDISJ workshop
    • SR set meeting around 3D/VR data for MIT
    • AN Who sees backend at Dryad? (what does 'seeing backend of Dryad consist of')


Tests and such






No releases published


No packages published