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A collection of maze generation and solving algorithms


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A python package for generating, solving and displaying mazes.

Tests Coverage


  • Setup

    • Pre-requisites/Requirements to use the Package
    • Setting up the Virtual Environment
    • Installing Dependencies (User Build)
      • Poetry
  • Using the Package

    • Supported Algorithms
      • Generating Algorithms
      • Solving Algorithms
    • Basic use case: Create a Maze and Solution
    • Generating a Maze solution at runtime
    • Manipulating the solving algorithm at runtime
    • Configuring GraphicsApp
      • Option input types Key
      • Full list of options
    • Other functionality
      • Configuring the GrowingTree Maze Generation Algorithm


Pre-requisites/Requirements to use the Package

  • Python version 3.7+ (Program originally written using Python 3.9 interpreter)

Setting up the Virtual Environment

It is good practice to create a virtual environment for this project (and for any other project with non-standard-library dependencies). See this guide for how to setup and activate a virtual environment: Python docs

NOTE: Ensure that you activate the environment once you have created it (See Python docs)

Installing Dependencies (User Build)

Note: This guide assumes you are in the root project directory


If you have poetry installed on your machine, simply run poetry install.

To install the relevant packages, select the directory that requirements.txt is in and run the following command:

pip install .

To check that all the packages have been installed, run the following command:

pip list

This should produce an output that contains these items

Package    Version
---------- -------
aamaze     latest_version
pip        20.2.3
pygame     2.3.0
setuptools 49.2.1

You are now ready to make Mazes!

Using the Package

Supported Algorithms

Generating Algorithms
  • Eller
  • GrowingTree
  • Kruskals
  • Prims
  • RecursiveBacktracker
  • RecursiveDivisor
  • Wilsons

All Generation algorithms (with the exception of RecursiveDivisor) require a maze with all walls filled (start_filled=True)

Solving Algorithms
  • AStarSolver
  • DijkstraSolver
  • FloodFillSolutionCheck

AStarSolver and DijkstraSolver find the shortest path between a Maze's entrance and exit. FloodFillSolutionCheck checks to see if every node in a maze can be reached from every other node.

Basic use case: Create a Maze and Solution

Creating a Maze and Solution to a Maze can be done in the following way:

  1. Create a new Maze Object (In this case a 20x10 Maze)
from aamaze import Maze
maze = Maze(20, 10, start_filled=True, entrance_index=0, exit_index=-1)
  1. Create a new GenerationAlgorithm Object
  2. Run the "generate_maze" method on GenerationAlgorithm Object
from aamaze.generation import X_GeneratingAlgorithm
  1. Create a new SolvingAlgorithm
  2. Run the "solve_maze" method on SolvingAlgorithm Object
from aamaze.solving import Y_SolvingAlgorithm
maze_solver = Y_SolvingAlgorithm(maze)

The Objects you want to keep in this case are "maze" and "maze_solver". The GenerationAlgorithm can be safely discarded once its "generate_maze" has been run.

Basic use case: Displaying a Maze and its solution

To display a maze and its solution (optional):

  1. Generate maze and solution Objects (as shown in Basic use case: Create a Maze and Solution).
  2. Create a GraphicsApp Object
from aamaze import GraphicsApp
app = GraphicsApp(maze, solver)   # solver is optional
  1. Call the "run" method on the GraphicsApp Object

Calling "" should open a new pygame Window that displays the Maze and its associated Solution (if a solution object is provided).

Generating a Maze solution at runtime

aamaze allows for solutions to be generated dynamically while the GraphicsApp is running. To do this:

  1. Create a maze using the workflow described in Basic use case: Create a Maze and Solution (1-4) DO NOT run "solve_maze" on the SolvingAlgorithm.
from aamaze import Maze
from aamaze.generation import X_GeneratingAlgorithm
from aamaze.solving import Y_SolvingAlgorithm

maze = Maze(20, 10, start_filled=True, entrance_index=0, exit_index=-1)
maze_solver = Y_SolvingAlgorithm(maze)
  1. Create a GraphicsApp object
from aamaze import GraphicsApp
app = GraphicsApp(maze, maze_solver)
  1. (Optional) Configure whether a solution starts to be generated as soon as "" is called (start_paused), and the speed of generation (target_steps_per_second). By default, start_paused=False, target_steps_per_second=50
app.configure(start_paused=True, target_steps_per_second=50)
  1. Run the app as usual

Manipulating the solving algorithm at runtime

Controls for manipulating the solving algorithm at runtime are:

  • [SPACE] to pause/unpause solving algorithm generation
  • [S] to manually run one step of the solving algorithm
  • [R] to reset solving algorithm
  • [+] to increase target_steps_per_second (speed of solution generation)
  • [-] to decrease target_steps_per_second (speed of solution generation)

Configuring GraphicsApp

Below are all options that can be set using the app.configure() method. Options are always set using keyword args (var_x = val_y). Multiple options can be set in the same app.configure call. Available options can be printed via accessing the ".options_list" property of a GraphicsApp object instance. Examples:

app = GraphicsApp(maze)

app.configure(aspect_ratio=[16, 10])
app.configure(exit_colour=[200, 32, 32], entrance_colour=[32, 200, 32])
app.configure(window_width=1600, wall_colour=[0, 0, 0], show_fps_counter=True)

Option input types Key

  • Colour: Set using RGB values between 0 and 255 (inclusive). Takes 3 integers in a List, Tuple or any other object that is subscriptable.
  • e.g. [200, 200, 205], (0, 4, 8), [255, 32, 16]
  • Pair of Numbers: Takes 2 numbers in a List, Tuple or any other object that is subscriptable.
  • e.g. [200, 100], (16, 9), [6, 4.5]
  • Bool: Takes a standard python bool.
  • e.g. True, False
  • Positive Integer: Takes a standard python integer that is greater than or equal to 0.
  • e.g. 0, 253, 1000000

Full list of options

  • aspect_ratio: Sets the aspect ratio that the GraphicsApp window will open at (e.g. [16, 9]). - Pair of Numbers
  • background_colour: Sets the background colour of the GraphicsApp window (e.g. [200, 200, 205]). - Colour
  • entrance_colour: Sets colour of Start/Entrance tile of maze. - Colour
  • exit_colour: Sets colour of End/Exit tile of maze. - Colour
  • show_fps_counter: Determines whether fps counter is displayed in the top right of the GraphicsApp window. - Bool
  • show_step_counter: Determines whether target steps per second counter is displayed in the top right of the GraphicsApp window. - Bool
  • solution_colour: Sets the colour of solution nodes - Colour
  • start_paused: Determines whether the maze tries to start generating a solution as soon as GraphicsApp window is opened - Bool
  • target_fps: Target Frames per Second of the GraphicsApp window. - Positive Integer
  • target_steps_per_second: Target number of times step() method is called on the SolvingAlgorithm - Positive Integer
  • wall_colour: Sets colour of maze walls - Colour
  • window_width: Sets the width of the GraphicsApp window - Positive Integer

Other functionality

Configuring the GrowingTree Maze Generation Algorithm

Currently, GrowingTree is a special GeneratingAlgorithm that allows for editing how a maze is generated. This can be done by setting the node_selection_mode attribute to one of three values

  • random - The next path will start at a random node that has already been visited (approximates Prims Algorithm)
  • newest - The next path will start at the most recently visited node that still has an unvisited neighbour (approximates Recursive Backtracker Algorithm)
  • random-newest-split-x - The next path has an x% probability to start from a random node, and an x-100% chance of starting from the most recently visited node with an unvisited neighbour.

See implementation below:

maze = Maze(16, 16, start_filled=True)                        # Creating 16x16 maze
growing_tree = GrowingTree(maze)                              # Created GrowingTree instance

growing_tree.node_selection_mode = "random"                   # Randomly select node
growing_tree.node_selection_mode = "newest"                   # Select newest node with unvisited neighbour

growing_tree.node_selection_mode = "random-newest-split-25"   # 25% chance random, 75% change newest
growing_tree.node_selection_mode = "random-newest-split-50"   # 50% chance random, 50% change newest
growing_tree.node_selection_mode = "random-newest-split-98"   # 2% chance random, 98% change newest



A collection of maze generation and solving algorithms







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