Rewriting code for "Deep Networks with Stochastic Depth" in Keras.
Original code is at yueatsprograms/Stochastic_Depth.
Fork by @aaamourao :
branchEncrypted mail:
You need to install the following libraries:
- Developer version of libblas
- Developer version of liblapack
- Developer version of libatlas
- GNU Fortran
sudo dnf install blas blas-devel lapack lapack-devel atlas atlas-devel gcc-fortran
sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran
Run the following commands and replace <virtual-dir-path>
for your target directory on your workspace
virtualenv --distribute <virtual-dir-path>
source <virtual-dir-path>/bin/activate
There are some python libraries required to run this project
pip install -r requirements.txt
Hint : if pip doesn't find Keras library install it manually:
pip install -r requirements.txt```
Just run python
- Initial learning rate == 0.1
- Number of layers == 50
- (other configs are same as