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Repository files navigation


Vue component that provides drag and drop Files upload with preview.


npm install media-dropzone-vuejs

Basic usage

    <media-dropzone-vuejs ref="dropzone" :options="options" />
    import MediaDropzoneVuejs from "media-dropzone-vuejs"
    export default {
            components: {

Configuration options

Name Type Default Description
rtl Boolean false Displayed Files Direction ( from Right to Left).
maxFilesize Number 256 The maximum filesize (in bytes) that is allowed to be uploaded
maxFiles Number null whether to include default Dropzone styles on the component
clickable Boolean, Array, String true If true, the dropzone element itself will be clickable, if false nothing will be clickable. You can also pass an HTML element, a CSS selector (for multiple elements) or an array of those. In that case, all of those elements will trigger an upload when clicked.
internalCliclable Boolean false If false, nothing will be clickable Inside Dropzone. if true it will add clickable Inside dropzone When it is empty of files
acceptedFiles Boolean, Array, String null The default implementation of accept checks the file's mime type or extension against this list. This is a comma separated list of mime types or file extensions. This option will also be used as accept
showOnDrop Boolean, Array, String false If false, nothing will be. if true Dropzone will disappear and will appear when files are added. You can also pass two HTML element or a CSS selector.First Element mean Dragging Element (default body). second Element mean Dropzone Display Element (default body) Eg.:trueor div.container,div.containeror ['div.container','div.container']
thumbnailWidth Number String null This with for file thumbnail
thumbnailHeight Number String null The same as thumbnailWidth
icons Object {} Set Icon for Displayed Files Eg.:{ pdf: 'icon' } accept iconFont image svg
containerClass String null Set Class Name to Dropzone Element
previewClass String null Set Class Name to Displayed Files Element
internalButtonClass String null Set Class Name to Internal Button
title String Drop files here to upload" The text used before any files are dropped
subtitle String Drop files here to upload" The text used before any files are dropped and after title
msFileTooBig String null If the filesize is too big. {{filesize}} and {{maxFilesize}} will be replaced with the respective configuration values.
msgInvalidFileType String Invalid extension for file {{fileName}}. If the file doesn't match the file type.
msgFilesTooMany String Number of files selected for upload {{filesCount}} exceeds maximum allowed limit of {{maxFiles}}. Displayed if maxFiles is st and exceeded. The string {{maxFiles}} will be replaced by the configuration value.


All content is configurable by slots.
Slots receive the instance itself as their scope, meaning all relevant fields are directly accessible.


<media-dropzone-vuejs :options="options">
    <template v-slot="{files, showViewer, removeFile}">
        <figure v-for="file in files" :key="" @click="showViewer(file)">
            <img v-if="file.thumbnail" :src="file.thumbnail" :alt="" />
            <button @click="removeFile">remove</button>
    <template #title>
        <h4>Drag and drop to upload content</h4>
    <template #subtitle>
        <div>...or click to select a file from your computer</div>

Solts Properties

Name Scoped Description
default files removeFile showViewer Change the design of all files all types.
image files removeFile showViewer Change the design of all files Only Image.
video files removeFile showViewer Change the design of all files Only Video.
pdf files removeFile showViewer Change the design of all files Only Pdf.
withIcon files removeFile Change the design of all files all types Except image, video and pdf.
remove-button removeFile Remove File.
title No The text used before any files are dropped
subTitle No The text used before any files are dropped and after title.

Slot scoped properties

Property Type Description
files Object Display Dropped Files.
removeFile Function Remove File. accept one parameter(File).
showViewer Function Display File. accept one parameter(File).


Use standard Vue event handling to listen for events and respond to them.


Events List

Name Description
drop The user dropped something onto the dropzone
dragstart The user started to drag anywhere
dragend Dragging has ended
dragenter The user dragged a file onto the Dropzone
dragover The user is dragging a file over the Dropzone
dragleave The user dragged a file out of the Dropzone
files Array of all files
error Get Error
change Fired when new images are added or deleted it always returns uploaded files


Media Dropzone component for Vuejs applications






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