PG-Backflip candidate VNF (Telecommunication)
This VNF consist of srsLTE and Open5gs. UE and ENB part is from srsLTE and EPC is from Open5gs. Below you will find the two implementation of this VNF, one is simple EPC and other with UE, ENB and EPC without using any hardware radio equipment and tested it using iperf. UE and ENB communicate with eachother using shared memory(IPC).
Step 1: Clone the repo
git clone
Step 2: Build the images: mongodb, epc, web-interface [note: ensure that docker-compose is installed on your system]
sudo docker-compose build
Step 3: Execute the epc
sudo docker-compose up -d
#open the link http://localhost:3000/ in web-browser to view epc interface to add subscribers
#username: admin
#password: 1423
Below you will find the deployment scenario. After adding the subscribers in EPC and UE assigned ip from EPC. You can check the traffic by running iperf cleint on UE and iperf server on test-server.
Step 1: Clone the repo
git clone
Step 2: Build the images: mongodb, epc, web-interface, imsi-loader, ue, enb, test-server [note: ensure that docker-compose is installed on your system]
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-srslts-epc.yaml build
Step 3: Executing the deployment scenario as show in above image.
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose-srslts-epc.yaml up -d
Step 4: Starting iperf
Wait for approx 2 minutes as subsciber will be added in EPC, Enb conencts to EPC and UE conencts ENB. After that end to end connectivity EPC will assign the ip to UE that allowes browsing.
sudo docker exec -it ue iperf -c
#after few seconds results will appear on the screen