weChat is a simple messaging app for mobile devices built with React Native and developed using Expo.
- Users can enter their name and choose a background color for the chat screen
- The chat UI is integrated through the Gifted Chat library
- Users can send images, take pictures, and send their location after consenting permission
- Google Cloud Firestore for database storage and local storage for offline access to previously sent messages
- React Native
- Expo
- Google Firebase Database
- Gifted Chat UI library
Check if you are running the latest version of Node.
Install Expo globally on your computer and create your Expo account.
$ npm install expo-cli --global
Start by downloading/cloning this repository.
Then in the project root directory install the application's dependencies.
npm install
To start the project, run the following in your terminal:
$ npm run start
$ expo start
This will now automatically open a tab in your browser called the Metro Bundler.
You can then run the app on your own mobile device by installing the Expo app through your device's app store.
- You will need to login into Expo on your device in order to access the app
- Use your camera on your device to read the QR Code on the Metro Builder and the app will start
If you would like to run the app on your computer through a simulator/emulator, you will either need:
Both can be accessed through the Metro Bundler after the emulators have been installed.