Mongo leaf is a simple tool between you and go-mongodb driver. in leaf we only use json format to use mongo just like mongo-shell if you have a dynamic scenario mongo leaf might be useful for you. I'm noob in go and programing sorry for bad explantion so I tryed to make anything simple for noobs like me.
first execute this command
go get
then in your go code import leaf package
import (
for connect to mongodb
client, err := mongoleaf.New("mongodb://localhost:27017")
if err != nil {
//deal with error
put your mongo URL as an argument for make connetion with your database
in your mongodb client if you want to create or refrence to a database you would use DataBase Function just like this for making a refrence to your database
client, err := mongoleaf.New("mongodb://localhost:27017")
if err != nil {
//deal with error
myDataBase := client.DataBase("myDBName")
now you can esly access the colletions and function of each database you have
as you now in mongo each database might have many collations so when you define a database you can call or create a collation in that database just like this example
myCollation := client.DataBase("DbName").Colletion("myCollation")
if database or colletion you calling is not exsists it will create them
package main
import (
func main() {
client, err := mongoleaf.New("mongodb://localhost:27017")
if err != nil {
siteDB := client.DataBase("website")
products := siteDB.Colletion("products")
}, {
}, {
]`, "")
//simple index
}`, ``)
//first arg is filter that mongo filter rows and second is the update you want to set
//and last is option if you don't have any option use empty string or empty json map: "" or "{}"
result, err := products.UpdateMany(`{
}`, `{
}`, "")
fmt.Printf("update \n\terror: %v \n\tresult: %v \n", err, result)
//if your filter is "{}" you can also use empty string as no filter
//it will return all rows in a colletion
rows, err := products.Find("", "")
jsonRows := mongoleaf.JSONPretty(rows)
fmt.Printf("find result \n\terror: %v \n\trows: %v \n", err, jsonRows)
error: <nil>
result: map[MatchedCount:1 ModifiedCount:1 UpsertedCount:0 UpsertedID:<nil>]
find result
error: <nil>
rows: [
"_id": "61e4bf46d16388a583426754",
"price": 5,
"title": "pro_1"
"_id": "61e4bf46d16388a583426755",
"price": 2,
"title": "pro_2"
"_id": "61e4bf46d16388a583426756",
"more_than_10": true,
"price": 15,
"title": "pro_3"
you always able to use dirvers functions like start session or watch and extra like this example
client, err := mongoleaf.New("mongodb://localhost:27017") if err != nil { panic(err) } dbNames, err := client.Client.StartSession(&options.SessionOptions{})
just add
and call your functions also this works for database and colletion not only client type-
client, err := mongoleaf.New("mongodb://localhost:27017") if err != nil { panic(err) } err = client.Connect()
err = client.Disconnect()
filter, option := `{}`, `{}` //empty filter return all dbNames, err := client.ListDatabaseNames(filter, option)
reutrn a array of maps with Name, Empty and SizeOnDisk keys
dataBases, err := client.ListDatabases(filter, option)
out, err := client.DataBase(dbName).Aggregate(pipline, option)
err := client.DataBase(dbName).Drop()
err := client.DataBase(dbName).CreateCollection("colName")
err := client.DataBase(dbName).CreateView(viewName, viewOn, pipline, option)
colNames, err := client.DataBase(dbName).ListCollectionNames(filter, option)
colNames, err := client.DataBase(dbName).ListCollections(filter, option)
out, err := client.DataBase(dbName).RunCommand(Command, option)
res, err := client.DataBase(dbName).RunCommandCursor(Command, option)
for reading many recoard in a mongo colletion
myCollation := client.DataBase("DbName").Colletion("myCollation") filter:=`{"title":"my title"}` //just like mongoshell filter options:=`{"limit":2}` //just like mongoshell option results, err := myCollation.Find(filter,options)
it's retrun an array of maps if you want json result you can parse any type to json with mongoleaf.JSON function
json := mongoleaf.JSON(results)
for reading only one reacord
results, err := myCollation.FindOne(`{"title":"my title"}`,``)
as you see we don't have any option we should pass empty
as option also if you have empty filter you can use empty string""
as filter -
results, err := myCollation.Aggregate(`[{},{}]`,``)
as you know in mongodb Aggregate has array of map style so keep it in mind
result, err := myCollation.UpdateMany(`{"_id":"sd1d12ds12d..."}`,`{"title":"new title"}`,option)
for deleteing many recoards use DeleteMany fountion
result, err := client.DataBase("DbName").Colletion("myCollation").DeleteMany(`{"_id":"sd12d12d2123"}`,option)
as you see we called it in defrent way you can call all CRUD fountions just like this code
result, err := myCollation.DeleteOne(`{"_id":"sd1d12ds12d..."}`,option)
for inserting if you are using insert many you have to insert your rows in an array parent
result, err := myCollation.InsertMany(`[ {"title":"the title 1"}, {"title":"the title 12"}, {"title":"the title 2"} ]`,option)
for insetring one row
result, err := myCollation.InsertOne(`{"title":"the title 1"}`,option)