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Parse a set of LESS files, extract variables, and write to a JavaScript file.


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Parse a set of LESS files, extract variables, and write to a JavaScript file.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-lessvars --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "lessvars" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named lessvars to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

    lessvars: {
        options: {
            // Task-specific options go here.
        target: {
            // Target-specific file lists and/or options go here



Type: String|Function(vars:Object, options:Object):String Default value: "json"

How to format the output. Can be one of "json", "angular", or a custom formatter function. The function is given an object containing the variables, and the processed task options.


Type: Number Default value: 0

The identation level of the output for the "json" and "angular" formatters. Pass 2 or 4 for a more readable output file.


Type: String Default value: "less"

The module name used by the "angular" formatter. This is the module to which the exported variables are attached.


Type: String Default value: "vars"

The name of the exported constant used by the "angular" formatter.


Type: Boolean|Array<String> Default value: true

A boolean value indicating whether to drop or keep units in dimensions, or an array containing units to preserve.


Type: String|Function(name:String):String|Array<String|Function> Default value: name => name

How to rename LESS variables into their JS counterparts. The function is given the original LESS variable name, with the ampersand stripped off. If a string is passed, it is interpreted as a method name from the change-case library. If an array is passed, each item is interpreted as a separate alias, and the output may contain multiple versions of each variable.

LESS compiler options

Additional options will be forwarded to the LESS compiler.

Usage Examples

Default Options

    lessvars: {
        myTarget: {
            files {
                'vars.json': 'input.less'

Then, given the following input.less,

@x: 2;
@y: 3;

the output vars.json will be


Custom Options

    lessvars: {
        myTarget: {
            options: {
                format: 'angular',
                module: 'myModule',
                constant: 'myLessVars',
                indent: 2
            files: {
                'vars.js': 'input.less'

Then, given the following input.less,

@x: 2;
@y: 3;

the output vars.js will be

angular.module("myModule").constant("myLessVars", {
  x: 2,
  y: 3


    lessvars: {
        myTarget: {
            options: {
                format: 'json',
                indent: 2,
                units: [ 'em', '%' ]
            files: {
                'vars.json': 'input.less'

Then, given the following input.less,

@x: 2em;
@y: 3px;
@z: 4%;

the output vars.json will be

  "x": "2em",
  "y": 3,
  "z": "4%"


    lessvars: {
        myTarget: {
            options: {
                format: 'json',
                indent: 2,
                rename: [ 'camel', 'snake', function (name) { return 'LESS' + name; } ]
            files: {
                'vars.json': 'input.less'

Then, given the following input.less,

@my-var: 2;

the output vars.json will be

  "myVar": 2,
  "my_var": 2,
  "LESSmy-var": 2


All source code, tests, and meta-code (build tools and configuration) are written in EcmaScript 6 and transpiled using Babel. The command grunt babel will transpile the src directory into the tasks directory which allows this module to be dropped in as a Grunt plugin. The Babel runtime/polyfill is not used outside of developer tools, and I would like to keep it this way.

Code style grunt style

Code style is enforced using JSCS. The style guide is located in .jscsrc.

Lint grunt lint

Linting is performed using JSHint, configured in .jshintrc.

Testing grunt test

Integration tests are configured in grunt/lessvars.js and test/lessvars.js. Please look at existing examples of how to add integration tests.

All of the above above can be run with the grunt command (no arguments).

Release History


  • Breaking change Added options to control variable naming/aliases. Previously, variables were output under the camel-cased name as well as the original variable name. Now, by default, only the original name is used. See the rename option.
  • Added options to control how units are processed in dimension values.
  • Fixed processing of quoted LESS values (quotes will be dropped in the output).
  • Fixed processing of expression LESS values (will be output as arrays).


Parse a set of LESS files, extract variables, and write to a JavaScript file.







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