Markdown for Prolog. It implements the basic stuff of Markdown using ISO Prolog predicates and DCGs. It doesn't have the intention to be 100% compatible with
or CommonMark.
:- use_module(marquete).
?- markdown(+InputStr, -OutputHtml).
where InputStr is a string in Markdown format, and OutputHtml unifies with the output HTML the file has produced.
Let's render this README with Marquete!
:- use_module(marquete).
:- use_module(library(dcgs)).
:- use_module(library(pio)).
?- phrase_from_file(seq(Markdown), ""), markdown(Markdown, HTML), phrase_to_file(seq(HTML), "README.html").
Runs on:
Supported stuff:
- Paragraphs
- Thematic breaks
- ATX headings
- Setext headings
- Indented code blocks
- Fenced code blocks
- HTML blocks
- Blank lines
- Blockquotes
- Ordered lists
- Unordered lists
- Backslash escapes
- HTML Entities
- Code spans
- Emphasis and strong emphasis
- Links (only inline)
- Images (only inline)
- Raw HTML