Bento is an alternative to distutils-based packaging tools such as distutils, setuptools or distribute. Bento focus on reproducibility, extensibility and simplicity (in that order).
Packaging is as simple as writing a file with a file which looks as follows:
Name: Foo Author: John Doe Library: Packages: foo
The package is then installed with bentomaker, the command line interface to bento:
bentomaker install
To install bento, you can either:
install bento from itself (recommended):
python ./bentomaker installinstall bento using setuptools (not recommended):
python install
To install bento for python 3:
python # this should be run under a supported python 2.x version ./bentomaker run_2to3 # Not mandatory: sanity check of the converted code ./bentomaker test_py3k
and follows the given instructions.
- Package description in a simple, indentation-based format. Supports most distutils/setuptools metadata as well as packages and extensions. Recursive support for deeply-nested packages.
- Supports all python versions >= 2.4 (including 3.x)
- Convert command to create a bento package from a
- Distutils compatibility mode so that a bento package can be installed through pip
- Designed with reproducibility in mind: re-running the same command twice should produce the same result (idempotency)
- Easy to customize install paths from the command line, with sensible defaults on every platform
- Preliminary support for windows installers (.exe), eggs and mpkg.
- Pluggable build backend, so that one can use an advanced build tool such as waf to build complex C extensions.
But bento does more:
Designed as a library from the ground up, with a focus on robustness and extensibility:
- new commands can be inserted before/after an existing one without modifying the latter (no monkey-patching needed)
- easy to add command line options to existing commands
- each command has a pre/post hook
- API designed such as commands need to know very little from each other.
- Moving toward a node-based architecture for robust file location (waf-based design)
Easily bundable, one-file distribution to avoid extra-dependencies when using bento. You only need to add one file to your sources, no need for your users to install anything.
Basic support for console scripts ala setuptools
Dependency-based extension builders (source content change is automatically rebuilt)
Parallel build support for C extensions
Low-level interface to the included build tool to override/change any compilation parameter (compilation flag, compiler, etc...)
Planned features:
- Support for msi packages
- Reliable conversion between packaging formats on the platforms where it makes sense (egg <-> wininst, mpkg <-> egg, etc...)
- Provide API to enable Linux distributors to write simple extensions for packaging bento-packages as they see fit
- Infrastructure for a correctly designed package index, using well-known packaging practices instead of the broken easy_install + pypi model (easy mirroring, enforced metadata, indexing to enable querying-before-installing, reliable install, etc...).
Bento discussions happen on the bento Mailing list (, archive on bento-ml), and development is on github. Bugs should be reported on bento issue-tracker. Online documentation is available on github as well.