This repo includes the following unix utilities which are built on system calls:
- echo
- pwd
- cp
- mv
Compilation command for each utility:
$ gcc echo.c -o echo
$ gcc pwd.c -o pwd
$ gcc cp.c -o cp
$ gcc mv.c -o mv
$echo run example:
$ ./echo Hello From Linux!
Hello From Linux!
$pwd run example:
$ ./pwd
$cp run example:
$ ./cp /etc/passwd mypasswd
$ ls
cp cp.c echo echo.c mv mv.c mypasswd pwd pwd.c
$ diff /etc/passwd mypasswd
As you can see there is no difference between the original and copy files.
$mv run example:
$ ./mv mypasswd ../mypasswd
$ ls
cp cp.c echo echo.c mv mv.c pwd pwd.c
$ ls ../
FemtoShell FemtoUtils mypasswd
As you can see the file is moved up.