The Onion Downloader is a poor man's GNU Wget. I'm writing it purely as an exercise to learn how to do network programming and to learn about HTTPS/SSL/TLS and Tor.
It's called the Onion Downloader because one day in the future it will be able to make requests throught the Tor network to '.onion' sites (as well as SSL/TLS support, POST requests, arbitrary recursion, which is currently limited to one level, cookies, local link conversion for offline viewing, etc.). This would allow a user to mirror a Tor hidden service, for example, in the same way that a user might create a site mirror by using wget and its '-M' option.
Compile using an older version of gcc, e.g. 4.6.1
Compilation is as simple as running the command
% make
Here are some examples:
Usage: ondl <URL> [-o | --output-file <output_file> ] [-r] [-R | --show-response]
% ./ondl -r # downloads and saves it as index.html. Downloads all links found within the homepage that are on the host
% ./ondl -r # Redirects to new location Same result as previous example.
% ./ondl -r --show-response # download all the links on the page + show what response the server gave us (e.g. connection type, cookies, etc.)
% ./ondl --output-file=index.html # save as ./index.html instead of ./index.php
% ./ondl # saves output file to ./hwk1.pdf
% ./ondl -r # saves output file to ./
% ./ondl -r # Will eventually prompt a 503 status code from the server because of too many requests sent. Same IP address as any other Stackexchange site (e.g. StackOverflow)
Use the options -o or --output-file= to specify an output file. Use --server-response to show the server response. -r specifies to recurse one level, i.e., download every link within the downloaded page that points to a page on the same remote host (for now, links to other remote hosts are ignored). TODO: Implement recursion for an arbitrary depth.
The 'infinite_recursion' branch is where I am working on using a queue to allow for an arbitrary recursion depth. The master branch only allows for recursion depth of 1.