Generates intermediate code for language called "Simpl"
SimpL has following classes of tokens:
Operators : (+ - * / = > >= < <= == != )
Parenthesis and Semicolon : ( ) ;
Keywords : if, then, else, endif, print, newline
Integers: Sequence of digits
ID: starts with letter and any number of letter or digits
Quoted Strings: “<string>”
Comments : Line starting with //
Grammar is given below:
program -> stmt_list
stmt_list -> stmt_list stmt | stmt
stmt -> assign_stmt | print_stmt | if_stmt
assign_stmt -> ID = expr ;
print_stmt -> PRINT expr ; | PRINT STRING ; | PRINT NEWLINE ; if_stmt -> IF expr THEN stmt_list ENDIF
| IF expr THEN stmt_list ELSE stmt_list ENDIF
expr -> ( expr ) | expr + expr | expr - expr | expr * expr | expr / expr
| expr < expr | expr > expr | expr <= expr | expr >= expr | expr == expr
| expr != expr | - expr | INT | ID
To build,execute the command in terminal
bash (it generates the executable file Simpl)
To test with Eg_test_case:
./Simpl < Eg_test_case