This app is a simple CRUD application made using Spring Boot and Java.
Below are the key features of this app:
- Focus on TDD and Unit Tests
- CI/CD pipeline using CircleCI and Heroku
- JPA relationships like
- Flyway DB Migrations
- Clean Coding practices
- AOP based Error Handling
- Validation of input fields
- Security using BasicAuth
- Role based access to resources
- Integration with PostgreSQL
$ docker run --name postgresdb -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
Build the docker image:
$ docker build --build-arg JAR_FILE="build/libs/bookshop-1.0.0.jar" -t bookshop -f Dockerfile .
Run the container in detached mode:
$ docker run -d --name bookshop -p 8080:8081 bookshop