This is a collection of JavaScript programs/challenges [majorly ES6] with line by line explanation for anyone who is learning to code in JavaScript [JS].
The naming convention used for the programs goes as
Type are into are divided into few categories :
S : Strings
M : Mathematical
$ : Symbol
T : Time
Just follow the flow to get the best out of these challenges, try the below challenges and become an expert in JS:
- Calculate factorial for a given number
- Reverse a String
- Change the letters of a String to the next letter
- Simple addition from one upto the number
- Coverting first letter of all the words in a string to upper case
- Returing true for a given string if all letters are surrounded by '+' symbol
- Comparing two numbers and determining which one is greater
- Determining the difference in hours and minutes between two given times
- Sorting characters in a string
- Determining the largest word in a string
- Traversing a matrix searching for the correct path to take.
- Balancing a scale with weights on it
- Determine when a specific sequence terminates
- Chessboard Traveling - This challenge will require knowledge of basic mathematical combinations.
- Searching a matrix for the largest square submatrix
- Finding how many dots can fit into a pentagonal shape
If you have problems, create an issue on this repo. Thanks! :)