- Displays quotes scrapped from goodreads using a Raspberry Pi Zero and a Bonnet Keyboard
- This widget scrapes different quotes from goodreads using this web scrapper and displays them on the Bonnet LED
- Additionally the quotes can be changed using a user defined time interval.
- Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/abhinuvpitale/goodreads-quotes-raspberry-pi.git
Create json file of different quotes using the web spider from here
raspiQuotes.py 100
to start the display with quotes changing every 100 seconds.
python raspiQuotes.py 100
This has been implemented by skshetty
This is pretty useful as you can then create a configurable gift for someone or access the code remotely to add more quotes! The Dataplicity lets you create a remote header-less login over web. I found it super useful to implement my code on desktop and then push it to the pi using this headerless login.
The instructions for the same are here