Project belongs to create user and assign them some role based on that role they will be able to do something in this application. let say user is admin then he can add/create, delete modify user which is the branch of user role thread, he can add supplier and vendor to the system. now there is another type of user avaialable in this system which can add product and rest of the operation with this product and category.
We are going to release front end very soon in from create user, product, category and assigning product to category option along with this we are going to release one plateform for user(End User) to register in our system after successfull registration he can access the list of product by providing his/her credentials. Now they can see list of product over UI and start adding this products to card from there they can checkout that item and purchase it.
This is going to be end to end project for e-commerce website how front end works and how backend each and everything we are going to in months of time.