Helium is a dnsmasq installer autoscript. Helium will setup dnsmasq to block porn, torrent, ads, tracker, malware, phishing and many more. Test Helium efficiency at d3ward.
It helps you manage dnsmasq configuration by simply following the on-screen instructions as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Debian/Ubuntu server with Xray VPN (Vmess/Vless/Trojan) already installed.
If you don't have Xray VPN server yet, get Silk Road which integrates Helium and many other features for a great VPN server.
Use this referral code and get €25 free credit to deploy a fresh Ubuntu server to install Silk Road: https://upcloud.com/signup/?promo=7J3Z69
For premium technical support, please contact Abi Darwish.
To install, SSH into your machine and run this command:
rm -rf /usr/local/sbin/helium && wget -q -O /usr/local/sbin/helium https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abidarwish/helium/main/helium.sh && chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/helium && helium