- User registration with name, email, and password.
- User login with registered email and password.
- Retrieval of information about the currently logged-in user.
- Check if a user is logged in or not.
- User logout functionality.
- Update user information including name, phone, bio, and photo.
- Change user password with the requirement of the old password.
- Forgot password functionality that sends a reset link to the user's registered email.
- Password reset using the token received from the reset link email.
- Adding a new product with fields such as name, category, SKU, quantity, price, description, and image.
- Updating a product's information, allowing all fields or specific ones.
- Retrieval of all products associated with the logged-in user.
- Retrieval of detailed information about a specific product.
- Deletion of a product from the database.
- Users can contact the system administrator.
- Users can provide a subject (issue/enquiry topic) and a descriptive message.
This endpoints are used to manage the user for the system. dedicated to user management functionalities.
Endpoints | HTTP Method | Request Data Structure | Remark |
api/user/register | POST | {"name": "user name", "email": "user email", "password": "user password"} |
Need name, email, and password for registration |
api/user/login | POST | {"email": "registered email", "password": "password"} |
Need registered email and password for login |
api/user/getuser | GET | none | Return information about the current logged-in user |
api/user/isloggedin | GET | none | Protected route; login is required. Return a Boolean value whether the user is logged in Return a Boolean value whether the user is logged in or not |
api/user/logout | GET | none | Logout the user |
api/user/update | PATCH | { name: new name, phone: new phone, bio: new bio, photo: image file} |
Update the user information; requires multipart form name field used is "photo". Login required. |
api/user/changepassword | PATCH | {"oldPassword": "old password", "password": "new password"} |
Change login password; old password is required. This route requires login. |
api/user/forgotpassword | POST | {"email": "registered email"} | Send an email with a password reset link containing |
api/user/resetpassword/{token} | PUT | {"password": "new password"} | Use the link sent by forgotpassword route to reset password. This URL is received in email with token. |
These routes are used to manage all the product associated to the registred in user
Endpoints | HTTP Method | Request Data Structure | Remark |
api/user/register | POST | {"name": "user name", "email": "user email", "password": "user password"} | Need name, email, and password for registration |
api/user/login | POST | {"email": "registered email", "password": "password"} | Need registered email and password for login |
api/user/getuser | GET | none | Return information about the current logged-in user |
api/user/isloggedin | GET | none | Protected route; login is required. Return a Boolean value whether the user is logged in or not |
api/user/logout | GET | none | Logout the user |
api/user/update | PATCH | { name: new name, phone: new phone, bio: new bio, photo: image file } | Update the user information; requires multipart form data; name field used is "photo". This route requires login. |
api/user/changepassword | PATCH | {"oldPassword": "old password", "password": "new password"} | Change login password; old password is required. This route requires login. |
api/user/forgotpassword | POST | {"email": "registered email"} | Send an email with password reset link containing |
api/user/resetpassword/{token} | PUT | {"password": "new password"} | Use the link sent by forgot password route to reset password; this URL is received in email with token. |
This section covers the API endpoint that facilitates users in contacting the system administrator.
Endpoints | HTTP Method | Request Data Structure | Remark |
api/product | POST | { name: product name, category: product category, sku: product sku, quantity: quantity, price: item price, description: product description, image: product image } |
All fields are required, name for image input is "image" |
api/product/{productId} | PATCH | { name: product name, category: product category, sku: product sku, quantity: quantity, price: item price, description: product description, image: product image } |
Update the product information, All the fields at once or individual fields can be updated |
api/product | GET | none | Get all the products associated with the logged-in user |
api/product/{productId} | GET | none | Get the complete details about the product |
api/product/{productId} | DELETE | None | Remove the item from the database |
This project is part of the final year project