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Dial Chart

Tarun Abichandani edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 1 revision

A Dial chart is a visual representation that displays a single value within a specified range or scale. It resembles a speedometer or a Dial you might find on a dashboard. The position of a needle or a pointer on the Dial indicates where the value falls within the given range. Dial charts are often used to quickly convey whether a particular value is within acceptable limits or to show progress towards a goal. They provide a straightforward way to visualize data points in comparison to a predefined range or target.

To add a Dial Chart in Resseract Lite follow these steps

  1. In the menu on the left, select Dial Chart
  2. Select the Data Key on which you want to plot this chart.
  3. You can add either columns or expression on the dial
    • Select Value Column from the list. Data from these columns will be aggregated (SUM by default) and appear on the dial
    • (OR)
    • Add a expression. The output of this expression would be plotted on the dial
  4. Select min and max range of the dial and click Add

Dial Chart

Note that only column or one expression can be added on the same dial widget

For more details how to configure the widget please refer this page