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Geo Map Chart

Tarun Abichandani edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 4 revisions

A geo map chart is a visual representation of data on a geographical map. It uses colors to show information about different locations, helping users understand patterns, trends, or variations across regions. This type of chart is often used to display data related to geography, such as population distribution, sales by region, or any other information that is location-specific. It provides a clear and intuitive way to grasp spatial relationships and analyze data in the context of a map.

To add a Geo Chart in Resseract Lite follow these steps

  1. In the menu on the left, select Geo Map
  2. Select the Data Key on which you want to plot this chart.
  3. Select Map Type. Feel free to create an issue if you want us to add/support more maps.
  4. Select Group By Axis (X) from the given list which has contains country/state names as per below list.
  5. You can add either columns or expression on the map
    • Select Value Columns from the list. Data from these columns will be aggregated and appear on the map
    • (OR)
    • Add a expression. The output of this expression would be plotted on map.

GeoMap Chart

Note that only column or one expression can be added on the same geo map widget

For more details how to configure the widget please refer this page

Supported Maps

Map Name Description Example
INDIA Map of States of India Data on X Axis should contain values like Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, etc.
WORLD World Map of Countries Data on X Axis should contain values like United States of America , India , Russia , etc.
US Map of States of US & Cananda Data on X Axis should contain values like New Mexico , New York , Washington , etc.

Create an issue here if you want us to add/support more maps.