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Expression Language

Tarun Abichandani edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 2 revisions

Resseract Lite supports expressions at various places, for example, slice expression, adding custom columns, etc.

Data Types

Resseract Lite supports the following data type

  • Columns
    • Categorical Columns : Categorical Columns are columns which contain string values
    • Numerical Columns : Numerical Columns are columns which contain numbers
    • Date Columns : Date Columns are columns which contain date or date time values
    • Boolean Columns : Boolean Columns are columns which boolean values (true, false)
  • Constants
    • String : String Constants are constants which are of String type (e.g. "Hello")
    • Boolean : Boolean Constants are constants which are of Boolean type (e.g. true, false)
    • Number : Number Constants are constants which are of number type (e.g. 1, 2)


Resseract Lite support following operators

  • Arithmetic operators
Sr.No Operator Description Example
1 +(Addition) returns the sum of the operands a+b is 15
2 -(Subtraction) returns the difference of the values a-b is 5
3 * (Multiplication) returns the product of the values a*b is 50
4 / (Division) performs division operation and returns the quotient a / b is 2
5 % (Modulus) performs division operation and returns the remainder a % b is 0
  • Relational operators Assume the value of variable A is 10 and B is 20.
Sr.No Operator Description Example
1 > Greater than (A > B) is False
2 < Lesser than (A < B) is True
3 >= Greater than or equal to (A >= B) is False
4 <= Lesser than or equal to (A <= B) is True
5 == Equality (A == B) is fals
6 != Not equal (A != B) is True
  • Logical Operators Assume the value of variable A is 10 and B is 20.
Sr.No Operator Description Example
1 && (And) The operator returns true only if all the expressions specified return true (A > 10 && B > 10) is False
2 || (OR) The operator returns true if at least one of the expressions specified return true (A > 10 || B >10) is True

Custom Functions

Resseract Lite Supports the following functions

Sr.No Function Description Example
1 ceil([NUMERICAL COLUMN]) Returns the closest integer value which is greater than a decimal value ceil([1.2, 2.3]) = [2,3]
2 cumulativesum([NUMERICAL COLUMN]) Returns cumulative sum of the column in another column cumulativesum([1,2,3]) = [1,3,6]
3 formatdate([NUMERICAL COLUMN], format) Accepts Date Column and returns Categorical Column in formatted format formatdate([1/1/24, 31/2/23], "MM/yy") = [01/24, 02/23]
4 groupedsum([NUMERICAL COLUMN], groupColumn) Groups data using the groupColumn and returns sum of each group in another column groupedsum([1,2,3], "C1") = [4,2,4], where C1=["A", "B", "A"]
5 if([condition], [true statement], [false statement]) Evaluates the if condition and if true, executes true statement else returns false statement if([C1] > [C2], "C1", "C2) = [C1, C2, C1] where C1=[1,2,3] and C2=[0,1,2]
6 max([NUMERICAL COLUMN]) Evaluates the column and returns a column with max value max([1,2,3]) = [3,3,3]
7 now() Returns a new column with current date now() = [1/1/23, /31/2/24]
8 parsedate([CATEGORICAL COLUMN], format) Parses the date in categorical column and returns a Date Column parsedate([01/24, 02/23], "MM/yy") = [1/1/24, 31/2/23]
9 sum([NUMERICAL COLUMN]) Evaluates the column and returns a column with sum of all values in the column sum([1,2,3]) = [6,6,6]
10 tostring([COLUMN]) Converts any column to Categorical Column tostring([1,2,3]) = ["1", "2", "3"]


If your data has 2 numerical columns, Cost Price, Sell Price

  • A expression like [Cost Price] - [Sell Price] will give a numerical column (Profit)
  • A expression like [Cost Price] > [Sell Price] will give a boolean column (Is Profit)
  • A expression like [Cost Price] + 10 will give a numerical column with 10 added to all values in the column
  • A expression like if([Cost Price] > [Sell Price], "Profit", "Loss") will give a Categorical column with "Profit" and "Loss" values