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Docker containers for the Revok Scanner

This repository contains dockerfiles for Revok Scanner.


In order to run these containers and preserve state, we need to setup a runtime directory. For convenience, a template is provided. The following structure is required.

├── activemq
│   ├── conf
│   │   └── activemq.xml
│   └── data
├── conf
│   ├── revok.conf
│   └── smtp_list.txt
├── httpd
│   ├── conf.d
│   │   └── revok.conf
│   └── log
├── pgsql
│   └── revok.pwfile
└── report

Files to modify

  • activemq/conf/activemq.xml: This contains the password and configuration used by the messaging queue server.
  • pgsql/revok.pwfile: This contains the password used by the PostgreSQL server when the database user is initialized.
  • conf/revok.conf: The global configuration used by revok modules.
  • httpd/conf.d/revok.conf: Configration loaded by the Apache HTTPD server for the webconsole.


The provided control script help with managing and running these docker files.


  1. Create a fresh runtime directory if one does not exist
cp -R ./runtime-template runtime
  1. If using non-standard location for runtime directory, configure it via the environment variable:
export RT=/path/to/runtime
  1. Configure.
  2. Run revok-docker-ctl script provided.
./revok-docker-ctl [build|pull|start|stop|restart|status]


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