Small TodoList app
The idea of the app: to build another tiny todo list application. It's simple: you can authorize there, and create,update or delete todolists.
- Java 9
- Mybatis
- Spring Boot
- Apache CXF
- AngularJs
- Mysql
- Docker
- To run on your machine just
mvn clean install
java -jar target/TodoList-1.0.jar
- To build docker image and run with docker compose
mvn clean install -PdockerBuild
docker compose up -d
Create database from db.sql file
Open your browser and enter https://:8024
if you open https://:8024/cxf you will see the link for swagger ui and xml description of api
The app uses https and jks generated by me. It's a silly idea to store certificates and credentials on github, It's been done only for demo purpose. In production never do like I did here