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Introduction to CF - SUSE Cloud Application Platform

Session @ SUSECon 19

-> Note: Replace 'X' with your student number <-

Fetch work container (ONLY necessary if using your own system)

$ systemctl start docker

$ docker pull abonilla/cf-cli

$ docker run -ti abonilla/cf-cli

Login to the client System (ONLY necessary if not using own system)

$ ssh
### Ask for Password

Login to SUSE Cloud Application Platform with the cf CLI:

$ cf login -a -u trainingX --skip-ssl-validation

$ cf target -o "susecon" -s "spaceX" (this step is optional)

Clone the Dora App

$ git clone

$ cd dora

Push the dora Application

$ cf push dora -b ruby_buildpack -s sle12 -k 128m -m 36m --random-route

This Fails - find out why

$ cf logs dora --recent

Notice the ERR - redeploy with:

$ cf push dora -b ruby_buildpack -s sle12 -k 512m -m 36m --random-route

The Application has been deployed - notice the routes section at the bottom of the output access the application with a browser or with curl, ie:

$ curl

Handling currently running applications

$ cf apps
$ cf app dora
$ cf ssh dora (close with `exit`)
$ cf logs dora --recent

Delete the previously deployed Appdora

$ cf delete dora

Create a manifest.yml as we don't want to constantly add the deployment parameters in the App

$ vi manifest.yml
- name: dora
  instances: 1
  memory: 36M
  disk_quota: 512M
  random-route: true
  buildpack: ruby_buildpack
  stack: sle12

Re-Deploy the Dora App

$ cf push

Running multiple instances on different Container Cells is recommended for HA

$ cf scale dora -i 2

Fetch the ID of the Container instance being hit by the request - use a browser or curl, ie

$ curl
$ curl
$ curl

Delete the dora App deployment

$ cf delete dora
$ cf apps
$ cd ~

Clone the Sinatra App, remember -X is your Student Number!

$ cd ~

$ git clone

$ cd cf-example-sinatra

$ cf push frank-X -m 64M -k 512M

Open a browser and visit the URL for the frank App

Visit the URL for the frank App, then scale-out the App

$ cf scale frank-X -i 2

Back on the browser, notice the Container value (refresh the page several times)

Resource usage App Profiling

Add CF Community Repo to install Plug-Ins (note - it already exists)

$ cf add-plugin-repo CF-Community

Show App statistics - Installing the plugin

$ cf install-plugin Statistics -r CF-Community

$ cf statistics frank-X (exit with q)

# Notice the resource consumption

Remove the SUSECON image from the source code in your frank-X App and re-deploy it

$ cf-example-sinatra> vi views/index.erb
# Delete Line 23

$ cf push frank-X -m 64M -k 512M

Additionally, as noticed - the App does not require 64M of RAM, let's decrease the sizing

$ cf scale frank-x -m 32M

$ cf statistics frank-X

Deploying Pre-Built (docker) Apps

$ cd ~

$ mkdir dockerapp ; cd dockerapp

$ vi manifest.yml
  - name: dockerapp
    random-route: true
    memory: 128M
    instances: 1
      image: gruntwork/docker-test-webapp
      health-check-type: http
$ cf push 

$ cf app dockerapp

$ curl

$ cf delete dockerapp

Writing an App in Go

$ cd ~

$ mkdir goapp ; cd goapp

$ vi hello.go
package main

import (
func main () {
        http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
                fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, you've requested: %s\n", r.URL.Path)
                http.ListenAndServe(":"+os.Getenv("PORT"), nil)
$ vi manifest.yml
  - name: goapp
    random-route: true
    memory: 64M
    instances: 1
    buildpack: go_buildpack
      GOPACKAGE: main
$ cf push

# Identify why the app deployment failed

# Change the env variable to GOPACKAGENAME and cf push the App again

$ cf apps

$ curl

$ cf delete goapp

Let's deploy an App from the WebUI

# open

# At the Top Right - Click the Arrow to deploy an App

# Leave Cloud Foundry / trainingX / spaceX and click Next

# Select Public Github / under Project type: abonillasuse/cf-example-sinatra / Branch: stratos / Click Next

# Choose the first Commit / Click Next

# Name: frankX / Disk Quota: 512 / Mem Quota: 32 / Select `Create a random route` / Click Deploy

# Follow the output as the application builds and deploys - Click "Go To App Summary"

# Look around the provided information in the UI - visit the App by clicking the square/arrow button on the top Right Corner "Visit"


Introduction to CF






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