Simple config. project to run React using webpack and free from create-react-app 😃
This boilerplate is ready to be launch using Heroku platform. You just need to set the config. on Heroku's side and "voilà"...easy peasy
- fork/clone this repo
- docker-compose up (runs the app locally - port 8080)
- yarn stories (runs documented components - storybook)
- yarn lint (fixes code style using prettier)
- yarn test / yarn testing (runs tests once / keeps tests running)
- yarn test:verbose / yarn testing:verbose (runs tests once with details / keeps tests running with details)
- webpack (webpack-dev-server)
- prop-types (and plugin-proposal-class-properties)
- react-router
- sass-loader, css-loader, node-sass, style-loader
- + classnames
- + react-fontawesome
- + Ready for Heroku
- + redux
- + redux-thunk.
- + axios
- - react-fontawesome
- + jest
- + Snapshot testing
- + react-moment
- + Layout updates
- + eslint
- + prettier
- + storybook
- + storybook addons
- ps: lacks code styling configuration
- Docker
- + context api
- styled-components
- firebase