- [FIXED] #7660: fix typo in observer.php
- [FIXED] #7444: remove double module description
- [FIXED] #7518: fix grading error with postgres
- [FIXED] #7519: fix mktime php 8.1 error
- [FIXED] #7520: introduce new moodle 4.x compatible icons
- [FIXED] #7522: fix evaluation form group mode error message
- [FIXED] #7637: fix calendar bug
- Moodle 4.2 compatible version
- [FEATURE] #7506: Make minimum and maximum of bookable slots per instance always changeable
- [FIXED] #7485: Github #112 - registration view does not work when there are no participants
- [FIXED] #7431: sort participants by lastname, firstname in grading form
- [FIXED] #7449: wrong forecast if dateto time is less than datefrom time in adding slots form
- [FIXED] #7462: no loading add slots page anymore after pressing enter in search field of slot overview
- [FIXED] #7464: dont loose slot options user preferences when changing to registration overview page
- [FEATURE] #7446: multiple slots registrations per user/group in one single organizer instance
- [FEATURE] #7458: better grouping of slot overview options
- [FEATURE] #7459: deleting an appointment
- [FEATURE] #7460: in-app notifications in Moodle style
- [FIXED] #6383: slot edit leads to shortened location string
- [FIXED] #6954: cancelled slot grading not removable
- [FIXED] #7181: calendar export shows no organizer entries
- [FIXED] #7215: debug messages when clicking the gear icon of a slot
- [FIXED] #7219: slot creation: make the time input field a select field
- [FIXED] #7232: slot creation: warning message when using a gap
- [FEATURE] #7233: backup/copy: copy slots as well
- [FIXED] #7248: slot edit form: label "Relative appointment reminder" is shown two times
- [FIXED] #7249: slot view: Display/hide slot options settings are not saved
- [FIXED] #7278: show completion status in view.php
- [FIXED] #7380: slot edit form: cancel button does not work if there is a location entry
- [FEATURE] Provide activity dates for display in course overview
- [BUG] #6506 - fix participation when unenrolled from course - github issue #59
- [FIXED] #6968 - fix db discrepancies caused by wrong upgrade.php - github issue #98
- Moodle 3.11 compatible version
- [FIXED] #6848: github #90 - fix request uri too long when creating/editing many slots
- [FIXED] #6849: github #84 - fix usage of undefined function fullusername
- [FEATURE] #6882: github #96 - use message API to send messages (Philipp Hager)
- Moodle 3.10 compatible version
- [FIXED] #6760: fix confusing slots filtering options
- [FIXED] #6762: Temporary hotfix for slow calendar events fetching
- Moodle 3.9 compatible version
- [FEATURE] #6067: github #43 Data leak with feature "Print slot user fields" part two
- [FIXED] #6627 - show only relevant calendar entries for slots and appointments
- [FEATURE] #6109: github #44 Multi language processing of custom user profile fields is missing
- [FEATURE] #6067: github #43 Data leak with feature "Print slot user fields"
- Moodle 3.8.0 compatible version
- [FIXED] #6382: Undefined variable: regslotx in view_lib.php on line 2459
- [FIXED] #6423: Remove header in csv export file
- [FIXED] #6489: Student can see identity field
- [FIXED] #6499: Fix slot ID error when fetching trainers
- [FIXED] #6502: Readme.md wrong_URL
- [FIXED] #6373: Make all events organizer events
- [FIXED] #6490: Warning when student registers for slot
- [FIXED] #6488: Notice: Undefined variable: regslotx in view_lib.php on line 2459
- [FIXED] #6486: Fatal regression: Impossible to ungregister from slot with version v3.7.1
- [FIXED] #6366: Fatal error when creating an organizer instance with groups and a student in multiple groups
- [FEATURE] #6083: Print slots infos: Print participants slot comments as well
- [FIXED] #6232: Debug message when booking slot that has no trainer
- [FIXED] #6216: Calendar view: when organizer instance option "No calendar events for empty slots" is deactivated and a student books a slot, the calendar message changes the language
- [FIXED] #6186: Debug message registration view when first column not unique id
- [FIXED] #6211: SLOTS PRINT Print Preview: Cell-lines not visible anymore, table does not scroll to the right i content is overflowing, table does not use the full width that is usable
- [FIXED] #6210: Add slots: The "Required" icon at the trainer option should be removed
- [FIXED] #6191: Adding/Editing a new organizer instance: new groupmodes are not selectable
- [FIXED] #6190: Disarranged appointment view
- [FIXED] #6189: "Add new slot" button does not work anymore
- [FEATURE] #6112: Registration view: Changes to the infobox
- [FEATURE] #6111: Student view: Changes to the infobox
- [FEATURE] #6110: Appointments view: Changes to the infobox
- [FIXED] #6174: [github #55/pull request #56] PHP warning when running cronjob
- [FIXED] #6157: Creation of past time slots not possible because of newly programmed consideration of the booking deadline
- [FIXED] #6172: Reregister is not possible anymore
- [FIXED] #6156: Debug message undefined mail variable
- [FIXED] #6158: Edit a single slot: changes are not saved
- [FEATURE] #6152: Instance settings: Selectfield "grouping" does not appear when choosing organizer groupmode "use existing groups"
- [FEATURE] #5937: Privacy API - implement deletion
- [FEATURE] #6137: Change settings: "Hide calendar" default, move grade section over the Print slot user fields section
- [FEATURE] #3779: Move student view to the third place in the tab row
- [FIXED] #6127: a teacher's userpreference "show my slots only" hides all slots in a different organizer instance where the same user is student.
- [FEATURE] #5784: Make registration view sortable by time/date
- [FEATURE] #6107: LOCATION: Edit a slot - location field not mandatory any more and an input field if suggestion list is empty
- [HOTFIX] #6114: After reregistration the trainers of the newly booked slot are wrongly added to the slot booked before
- [HOTFIX] #6106: Re-assign student to other slot not possible
- [HOTFIX] #6114: After reregistration the trainers of the newly booked slot are wrongly added to the slot booked before
- [HOTFIX] #6106: Re-assign student to other slot not possible
- [FIXED] #6064: Error when choosing groupmode "use existing course groups" for an organizer instance
- [FIXED] #6063: Function "organizer_fetch_user_group" not found
- [FIXED] #6066: Trainer is able to assign more than one slot to specific student
- [PULL REQUEST] github #49: fix tablename in organizer_send_message_from_trainer()
- [FIXED] #5899: Organizer debug message if group is missing
- [FIXED] #5749: Waiting list entries does not move up when the slot's participants maximum is increased
- [FIXED] #5886: slots_print.php: Columns Email and Participants not sortable for the moment
- [FIXED] #5878: Double scrollbar in print preview table
- [FIXED] #5869: Too many calendar events for bookings when moodle group is involved
- [FIXED] #5830: cronjob throws error when global search is activated
- [FIXED] #5727: Only instance calendar events as course level events, deploy filters on event name
- [FEATURE] #5756: Privacy API: Implement new provider (mandatory)
- Moodle 3.6.1 compatible version
- [HOTFIX] #6114: After reregistration the trainers of the newly booked slot are wrongly added to the slot booked before
- [HOTFIX] #6106: Re-assign student to other slot not possible
- [FIXED] #6066: Trainer is able to assign more than one slot to specific student
- [PULL REQUEST] github #49: fix tablename in organizer_send_message_from_trainer()
- [FIXED] #6064: Error when choosing groupmode "use existing course groups" for an organizer instance
- [FIXED] #6063: Function "organizer_fetch_user_group" not found
- [FIXED] #5869: Too many calendar events for bookings when moodle group is involved
- [FIXED] #5878: Double scrollbar in print preview table
- [FIXED] #5886: slots_print.php: Columns Email and Participants not sortable for the moment.
- [FIXED] #5749: Waiting list entries does not move up when the slot's participants maximum is increased
- [FIXED] #5899: Organizer debug message if group is missing
- [FIXED] #5732: Creating a new slot or register for a new slot with new groupmode ends up with an error
- [FIXED] #5721: Slot-creation: Error with daylight saving time
- [FIXED] #5569: Wrong deadline and missing singleslotprintfields when importing organizer instance backup
- [FIXED] #5561: Restore and update collision checking
- [FIXED] #5567: Groupmember enrollment message for teacher does not contain the correct groupname
- [FIXED] #5562: Clicking link of organizer system message leads to an error & Rewrite function organizer_get_eventaction_student
- [FIXED] #5565: lang strings teacherid and teacherid_help missing in en
- [FIXED] #5564: Event of deleted slot remains in student calendar AND event name improvements for students appointment events
- [FIXED] #5558: slot evaluation - form elements in disorder
- [FIXED] #5554: Debug Messages because of missing lang-strings
- [FIXED] #5506: Add new slots: Change to-date time from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59
- [FIXED] #5496: Counting the slots to be created does not work after adding additional empty slots
- [FEATURE] #3260: Rebuild slot overview - helpicons in column headers
- [FEATURE] #5383: Implement Privacy API (without deletion of data)
- [FEATURE] #5118: Remove german langstring-File from master
- [PULL REQUEST] Merge pull request #40 from edaktik
- [FEATURE] #3777: Redesign table - tooltipps replace legend, filter slots, sort only sortable fields
- [FEATURE] edaktik#3269 Adding past slots now possible
- [FIXED] #5418: Error when writing groupmode in course_modules after an organizer instance was restored
- [FIXED] #5173: Decription text not processed by filters
- Moodle 3.4.1 compatible version
- [FIXED] #4518: Values overwritten in gradebook of type scala are not shown in organizer
- [FIXED] #4919: Overwritten grading value of 0 points is not shown in organizer
- [FIXED] #5177: Error message in grouptool when importing new participant manually
- [FIXED] #5231: Getting wrong user group when messaging in group mode
- [FEATURE] #4899: Display forecast of the number of slots to be created in slots add page
- [FEATURE] #3811: Rewrite YUI to JQuery/Javascript
- [FEATURE] #3778: Students identity information (ID-number or email) not visible for other students
- [FEATURE] #3883 Hide slots from students
- Moodle 3.4 compatible version
- [FIXED] #4971: When sending notification mails triggered by slot assignment placeholders are not replaced by value
- [FIXED] #4967: When sending notification emails triggered by changed slot data not all placeholders are replaced
- [FIXED] #4923: Adding a slot - weekday names only in english
- [FIXED] #4928: Warning when loading slot overview page with calendar
- [FIXED] #4922: Organizer: lang strings are rendered twice in pages slots_add and slots_edit
- [FIXED] #4674: Dashboard error in group mode
- [FEATURE] #3883 Hide slots from students
- [FIXED] #4649: DB-Error after group applies for a slot
- Moodle 3.3 compatible version
- [FEATURE] #4500 Replace modulename_print_overview()-notifications by calendar entries with action events
- [FEATURE] #3112 Better recognizable icons (svg)
- [FIXED] #4481 Error message when selecting no action option on slot overview page
- [FEATURE] #3780 Participantslist in slot overview table newly formatted
- [FIXED] #3318 Message provider names now according to the moodle standards
- [FEATURE] #3259 Module description in moodle layout
- [FEATURE] #3257 Add a slot: only one page
- [FIXED] #4405 Location gets lost when creating a slot
- [FIXED] #4350 Messages sent to group members although group mode is not activated
- [FIXED] #4367 Page "Registration status" in goupmode lacks groups without registration
- Moodle 3.2 compatible version
- [FEATURE] #3595 Enable Global Search for organizer
- [CHANGE] #3675 Replace cron job with Task API
- [CHANGE] #3889 Use message class for message object instead of stdClass
- [CHANGE] #3890 Add course-ID to message objects
- [FIXED] #3826 Slots without registration can not be printed
- [FIXED] #3771 Expired organizer can not be graded and slots can not be printed
- [FIXED] #3754 PostgreSQL database error on tab registration status
- [FIXED] #3691 Fails on new installation
- Moodle 3.1 compatible version
- [FEATURE] #3556 Enhanced legend
- [FEATURE] #3254 After creating a new organizer the user will be sent to the "Add a new slot" page immediately
- [FEATURE] #3114 Action-buttons in up-to-date moodle style
- [FEATURE] #3118 Improve wording of email messages (location)
- [FEATURE] #3132 Show participants in the waiting list of a slot to teachers
- [FEATURE] #2788 Capability for the responsibility for time slots
- [FEATURE] #3128 Add student to slot manually
- [FIXED] #3602 CSS
- [FIXED] #3349 Reminder e-mail not sent to group
- [FIXED] #3333 Wrong person cited in email on assignment of a slot
- [FIXED] #3286 Import of gradings
- [FIXED] #3325 Assignment of group slot by teacher
- [FIXED] #3311 Teachers can not be set to unvisible after application time expired
- [FIXED] #3313 Slots with duration > 36000 seconds (9h10m) are not possible
- [FIXED] #3322 Time specification in PDF
- Moodle 3.0 compatible version
- [FEATURE] #3135 Make grading suppressible
- [FEATURE] #2778 New visibility statuses of slots for students
- [FEATURE] #2678 Create a waiting list for time slots that are fully booked
- [FIXED] #3116 Group appointments mode without grouping possible
- [FIXED] #3234 Students get notified constantly after the slot appointment is over, delete waiting queue entries when instance not queueable anymore
- Moodle 2.9 compatible version
- Moodle 2.8 compatible version
- Moodle 2.7 compatible version
- First release for Moodle 2.6